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All Diets Work--No Diets Work

weight loss, dieting, losing weight
Have you lost weight in the past only to regain it a short time later? Have you followed every diet including Atkins, South Beach, the Drinking Man's diet, the Peanut Butter diet, or even the Chocolate Diet? All of these diets work, and none of them work, meaning you can and probably do lose weight on any of them, but you won't keep it off. Why not? Because the day will come when the diet is over and you're right back to your regular routine; the same routine that got you fat in the first place. 

In the past diets carried a warning not to stay on them longer than the prescribed period; usually two weeks, some a mere three days. Today's popular diets are attempting to style themselves as lifestyle choices, but this isn't working either. People want to be able to eat a sandwich now and then. They want the burger and the bun! Strive for balance choosing foods you prefer, and you'll have a better chance at lasting weight loss success.

Small Changes: Big Answer to Weight Loss Blues

Start today, and work one day at a time making one or two small changes such as switching to the calorie-free soft drinks then weaning yourself down to two or less a day (if you drink more than that now of course). Changes don't have to be drastic. In fact trying to make drastic changes in your lifestyle never works because while you may be happy in the beginning, you slowly grow miserable toward the end. In fact, that's the problem right there: you anticipate an end.

Weight Loss Comes Down to Choices

Talk to people who've lost weight and kept it off. They'll say, "This is a lifestyle." It's about choices you make every day. Are you choosing to take an extra helping, even though you're comfortably full? Change that one behavior and you're on your way. Do you choose to take the bag of chips to the couch? Change that, in fact just stop eating on the couch entirely and you're one step closer. Eliminate the habit of grabbing a few bites on your way past the candy dish, that alone can shave several pounds. I once lost eight pounds simply by eliminating the candy dish I kept at my desk (not to mention the money I saved not buying a couple pounds of candy a week).

Choose one small habit or behavior at a time, not your entire existence, and you'll have a much better chance to reach your weight loss goals.
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The Best Fat Burner

best fat burner, diet pill, weight loss diet pill, ephedra, ephedrine, losing weight
What is the best fat burner?

This article will tell you but my approach is a little different. I am not going to tell you the best fat burner by discussing certain ingredients or chemicals or telling you some particular brand name is the greatest.

No. I am going to let the average person decide by casting a vote. I used an internet tool that let me determine how many searches were performed for a particular word or phrase at a certain search engine.

The results were for the month of May, 2006. I selected well known weight loss pills, brand names or an ingredient and then entered that word or phrase to get my numerical result.

The top vote getter, the most searched term for an herbal diet pill or what the people think is the best fat burner is "ephedra".

Here are the results:

Ephedra 86,507
Hydroxycut 52,524
Xenadrine 32,650
Stacker 2 19,031
Metabolife 9,819
Ephedrine 42,575
Green Tea 40,856
Chromium 8,754

Let me note a few things of interest.

More people searched for the term "ephedra" during the month of May, 2006 while searching for information on a weight loss pill or diet pill than any other well known brand or ingredient.

But what's interesting is, most people think ephedra is illegal or no longer available. Plus, ephedra is just one herbal ingredient in many fat burners.

Green tea, while it has many other benefits was not searched as often as ephedra which is considered illegal by many people.

This is also curious. The brand name Metabolife is a brand that is no longer around. The company has gone bankrupt from lawsuits yet almost 10,000 people a month search for this once great weight loss product.

Another interesting point is that the word "ephedrine" is actually a chemical within the herbal ephedra plant, but a large number of people are searching for this chemical.

Ephedrine is the major reason the herbal plant, ephedra, works so well and is considered the best fat burner, certainly among the general population of people searching the internet for weight loss pills or diet pills.

Tags : best fat burner, diet pill, weight loss diet pill, ephedra, ephedrine, losing weight
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Top 10 Weight Loss Plans For Success

weight loss plan, weight loss, weightloss, eat break fast, lifestyle goals, weight loss goals, healthy snacks, diet and exercice, healthy life style, Long-term weight loss, losing weight
The formula for losing weight is simple: eat less and exercise more. But, it's not really all that simple, is it?

Long-term weight loss isn't impossible, but you do have to be committed. Having a weight loss plan for your success is a good start. Here are ten items that should go into your weight loss plan.

1. Eat breakfast. This keeps you from getting too hungry later and then losing control over what you choose to eat later in the day.

2. Stock your refrigerator
and pantry with healthy foods and snacks and limit high-fat, high-salt snacks such as potato chips and cookies.

3. Fill up on Fiber. Eat foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The fibers in these foods will fill you up leaving less room for unhealthy choices.

4. Don't fall into bad habits on weekends.
Many people will follow a strict diet on weekends only to fall back into eating more (unhealthy) on the weekends as a reward for "being good" all week. Unfortunately, this can cause you to regain tahe weight you may have lost during the week.

5. Watch portion sizes.
Your perception of what a serving size should be and a "true" serving size can differ dramatically. Measuare your portions accurately, especially when you first start your healthy eating regime.

6. Set lifestyle goals - not weight loss goals. Commitment to eating healthy foods does lead to healthy weight loss -- gradually. Looking at your weight daily can cause discouragement and will make many people give up and go back to unhealthy food choices.

7. Take healthy snacks with you when you take road trips. Grab healthy granola bars, bananas, apples and other fruit to prevent the tempation of stopping for a cancy bar or milk shake.

8. Don't deny yourself the foods you love.
If you absolutely love chocolate, go ahead and have a small pice - half of a candy bar insteaad of a whole one! And avoid eating your "splurges" every day. Save them for when you really need them!

9. Start moving. Exercise is the key to long term weight loss. You've heard the saying, "Move it or lose it." Too true!

10. Keep a journal. Writing down what you eat, when and how much you exercise and your moods will keep you on track and motivated to continue the course.

Weight loss is achieved by both diet and exercise. It is also achieved by persistence. If you "fall off the wagon" one day, pick yourself up and continue your healthy lifestyle the next. Don't give up!

Tags: weight loss plan, weight loss, weightloss, eat break fast, lifestyle goals, weight loss goals, healthy snacks, diet and exercice, healthy life style, Long-term weight loss, losing weight
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How to Be Careful With Diet Pills

diet, natural metabolism, weight loss success, diet pills, losing weight
If you are a person who has struggled with their weight and has a BMI, or body mass index, above a 27, the idea of a pill helping you lose weight is very appealing. Taking diet pills seem to be the quick fix to helping obese persons lose weight. There are advantages to taking diet pills, but you have to weigh these benefits with the potential dangers of taking diet pills.

Some things you have to be careful about when taking diet pills are:

· Dangerous side effects and drug interactions – Some prescription diet drugs are very strong. Possible side effects occur in almost all prescription medications, and some can be very serious in nature. Each diet pill has its own unique set of side effect warnings, but some of the more commonly listed side effects are dry mouth, sleeplessness, irritability, upset stomach and constipation. You also have to look at the possibility of drug interactions between the diet pills and other medications you are taking. If you have any other health issues, the taking of diet pills may cause serious consequences when combined with other medications.

· The potential for becoming dependant of the diet pills – There are many diet pills that can become habit forming. Some prescription diet pills are stimulant-based and can be abused by users. This abuse can lead to dependence, just as with any other strong medication. Make sure to talk with your doctor if he decides to put you on a diet prescription that has been shown to be habit-forming. Find out what signs you should look for to indicate if you are having a problem.

· The potential of the diet pills disrupting regular metabolism – Since prescription diet drugs main purpose is to suppress appetite, the person taking diet pills may find themselves consuming many less calories than normal. This is good for losing weight on the surface, but ultimately will lead to your natural metabolism to slow down. When your natural metabolism slows, so does the rate in which you lose weight. That is why people who take diet drugs find they only lose a finite amount of weight when they take diet pills alone.

In order for diet pills to work for you, the first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. Find ways to change your lifestyle on top of the taking of the diet drugs to help you lose weight. Regular exercise, changing food choices, and regular check-ups with your doctor are great ways to increase your weight loss success.

Tags :  diet, natural metabolism, weight loss success, diet pills, losing weight
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Fitness and Exercise Advice

physical fitness, fitness, diet, insulin, losing weight, body, diet plans
According to few insulin levels play the largest role in losing weight. Other experts determine that our body type is the key to finding the proper exercises and diet plans that work with the body. To find out your body type you will need to talk to your doctor, or else visit the World Wide Net to find answers to your questions. Other details are available over the Internet that can help you decide on which diet is best for you, as well as which exercises works best with your body.

To achieve a healthier status and maintain weight diet must combine with exercise, since one without the other will not work. Combining healthy provisions with correct exercises can bring you good health and physical fitness, which will enhance your quality of life. It will also help you keep your body’s zone to a level.

The body and mind is complicated, however both work together to produce results. Many experts, including theorists, doctors, scientist, and philosophers are continuing to find answers to the body’s functions.

Some of the confusion comes when people diet, exercise and take care of them self, yet they still gain weight. Barry Sears wrote a compelling book titled A Week in the Zone, which produced some outstanding advice. Some of the information in the book helps us to decide on exercises and diets that suit us best, since insulin plays a large part in healthier living. The author lets us know that the hormones consequence of intakes of carbohydrates and caloric differ from the hormones that produce protein and calories. , he continues letting us know that the effects of hormones that produce fats and calories too differ in the direction of health. (p. 3)

The author brings us to see that a balance is needed, yet the balance is factored by the different hormonal levels. Thus, eating healthy, giving the body proper fluids and exercising is the only answer to living a productive and quality lifestyle.

One of the biggest setbacks that people adhere to is making excuses to avoid dieting and exercise. Countless of people find it easier said than done to stick with diet and exercise programs that facilitates them to remain healthy while maintaining weight.

One of the largest reasons is that most people do not understand their body and its type, or have difficulty adhering to a schedule. One of the largest reasons why this happens is that many people find it difficult to plan, set goals that work, and find solutions that help the person maintain a schedule. The threesome is the ultimate tools for working toward good health and fitness. If you are uncertain of the types of exercises, this too can hold you back. Walking up and down the stairs is an aerobic exercise. Mowing the lawn is another type of exercise. Anytime the body is in motion, producing actions it is exercising. Lifting 12’ ounces of beer is not an exercise. Alcohol if overused will affect the body and mind dramatically. 

Other forms of exercise are merely walking to the store instead of driving your car, especially if the store is down the road. If you find it, difficult getting started with exercise makes effort to ask a friend or family member to join you. Otherwise, possibly at your workplace a team of people is joining a gym to better their health, maybe you can go with them. If you have a dog, dogs enjoy walking, therefore put your feet in motion and make your dog happy.  Children also enjoy walking with parents, therefore spend time with your children and exercise while doing so.

Therefore, if you have intricacy with setting goals, planning, or sticking to a schedule, begin by using the stairs in place of an elevator at what time you visit your doctor, or other appointments. In addition, you could scythe the lawn in place of paying the fellow citizen down the street to do the work for you. Beginning exercise is by no means easy, but you have to start somewhere to reach a healthier status!
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How To Find Out If Your Diet Is Healthy Enough

health, eating, healthy, start, life, understand, healthy eating, diet, plan, habits, foods, life style, healthy diet, eating habits, learn, style, nutrition,
Everyone wants to eat a healthier diet, but it can sometimes be difficult to know if your diet is healthy enough.

There are a number of factors that go into creating a healthy diet, and it is important to evaluate the current state of your diet before embarking on a plan for healthier eating.

There are several questions you should ask yourself when evaluating the healthiness (or lack thereof) of your current eating plan!

Do I eat a wide variety of foods?

Variety is one of the most important hallmarks of a healthy diet, since no one food contains all the nutrients needed by the human body. It is important to eat foods from all the major food groups, including grains and breads, fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, meats, beans and nuts.

If you find yourself avoiding some food groups, such as vegetables for instance, it may be time to look for a healthier diet.

Do I recognize the importance of cereals, breads and other grain products?

Eating a wide variety of grain based products is important to a healthy diet. Grains and cereals contain a large number of important nutrients, including high levels of dietary fiber.

It is important to choose whole grain products as often as possible, since whole grain products like wheat bread contain more nutrients than more refined white bread and similar products. When eating cereal, it is a good idea to choose whole grain varieties, or those that are enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Do I eat lots of fruits and vegetables?
Many people do not eat sufficient servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Most experts recommend eating between 5 and 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, roughly equivalent to 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables.

When shopping for vegetables and fruits, it is important to choose a good variety of dark green, dark red, orange and yellow varieties. That is because different colored fruits and vegetables contain a variety of different nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A and beta carotene.

Do I eat a good breakfast every morning?

Breakfast, or the absence of it, is often a good indicator of the state of your diet. If you rush out of the house every morning and grab a donut at the local convenience store, chances are your diet can use some work. A healthy breakfast provides a foundation for the rest of the day, helps you avoid cravings and provides much needed nutrition.

Do I choose low fat foods over higher fat alternatives?

This is also an important question to ask yourself. Low fat alternatives are available for a variety of products, including milk, cheese, meats and more.

One part of following a healthy, low fat diet is avoiding prepared foods whenever possible, since prepared foods tend to have higher amounts of fat and sodium than fresh foods.

It is also important to control the amount of fat that is added at the table. Adding things like butter, sour cream and heavy sauces is a sure way to ruin an otherwise healthy meal. Even healthy foods like salads can be sabotaged by the addition of high fat salad dressings. Try using lower fat alternatives like flavored vinegars instead.

Do I drink plenty of water?

Drinking plenty of fresh, pure water is important to maintaining a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. Water is important to maintaining optimal levels of health. If you think you need more water, try substituting water for less healthy beverages like soda and coffee.

Am I able to maintain my optimal body weight?

Gaining weight without trying to is often a sign of a poor diet. Following a healthy diet, and getting plenty of regular exercise, is the only way to lose weight and keep it off.

Do I limit the amount of salt, sugar, alcohol and caffeine in my diet?

While all of these elements are fine in moderation, excessive amounts of any of these four can indicate a serious problem with your diet. It is important to limit the amount of unhealthy elements in any diet.
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Eating Out Wisely

eating, healthy, start, life, understand, healthy eating, diet, plan, habits, foods, life style, healthy diet, eating habits, learn, style, nutrition,
Many people I know love eating out at different cafes and restaurants. They love trying out new places almost as much as they love returning to their old favorite spots. They love trying new menu items and discovering new ways to eat the foods they enjoy the most. Eating out can be both a wonderful and very dangerous thing.

In America we are blessed to have restaurants dotting the streets of many streets in towns and cities of all sizes. We are rarely at a loss for places to eat out. One of the greatest things about eating out is that it saves time that many busy people do not have to waste. After spending long hours at our workplaces, few people have the time or energy to return home and cook a gourmet meal. Eating out seems to be a great solution at the end of a long, tiring day.

Eating out can also be great because we can try a wide variety of foods and drinks that we don't have the ability to make ourselves. No one loves eating the same basic foods over and over again, so eating out can be a good way to give our tastebuds something new.

However, if we are not careful, eating out can also be dangerous for a couple of big reasons. First, we must use caution in eating out for the sake of our health. Most restaurants and cafes offer huge portions of items that are unhealthy to eat and drink. Eating out often means filling up on appetizers, a main course, a few high calorie beverages, and a dessert to finish off the evening. Think about how many calories you can consume during a meal like this. I am not, of course, saying that we should never enjoy eating out. I am, however, saying that we need to be careful, for our health's sake, about eating out too frequently. We must be careful to watch our choices when we are eating out. Choose healthier items or commit to only eating half of the meal you choose. There are ways of eating out healthily, it just takes conscience effort.

Another huge reason to be careful about eating out too often is your pocketbook and budget.
It is no secret that eating out costs more, on average, that cooking meals in your own home. It is easy to accumulate large bills, especially at nicer places. So be careful that you stick to a budget when you make plans for eating out.

Beware. Eating out can be one of the greatest pleasures or one of the most dangerous things. Enjoy it, but do it with caution.
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Making Fitness Part of Your Life

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The pressures of daily life can be daunting, and with demanding careers and raising a family, working out is probably the last thing on your mind at the end of a busy day. However, physical fitness can benefit you in more ways than you think.

Being physically fit is not only about conquering marathons in record time and not only about looking your best on the beach -- even though looking your best is always a bonus. Being physically fit can help you live a longer, more fulfilling life, it can benefit your body, your self-esteem and help you deal with the stresses of daily life.

Isn’t it ironic how you always manage to find the time to watch TV, time to catch up on your favorite program or the time to get together with friends? Yet when it comes to going to gym or getting physical, you can easily come up with at least 10 different reasons why you’re either too busy or just don’t have the time to break a sweat.

Making fitness part of your life should be a priority in everyone’s life -- it should become a daily habit, the same as brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Setting aside one hour of your day isn’t much to ask when you take into account all the positive things you achieve just by being physically fit.

Apart from looking and feeling good, working out can benefit you in the following areas as well:

* Help to relieve stress, depression and anxiety
* Increase your ability to concentrate, think faster and become more sharp
* Help reduce blood pressure
* Lower the risk of developing colon cancer
* Keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease
* Help with gaining muscle, which can build and maintain strong bones
* Increase flexibility, which can help prevent injury and help with muscular tension.

So next time you put off going to the gym, stop and think about all the benefits you’re missing out on. Just 30 minutes to an hour of physical fitness a day can be a major health investment. And remember you don’t have to be in a gym to be fit. You can enjoy fitness with your kids, your spouse, family or friends by coming up with fun, physical activities such as going for walks, swimming, mountain biking, hiking or playing golf to mention a few.


There are many great fitness plans out there that can help you get into shape and enjoy fitness, but there are also many scams that promise you the world and don’t deliver. If you have spare cash on hand, get in touch with a personal trainer at your gym and take up a few sessions or visit a biokinetisist who will help you with your goals. You can also browse the Internet for reputable sites for information.


If you’re a beginner into the world of fitness, ease into a routine by starting off slowly and gradually increase your endurance level. If you go all out on the first day, chances are you’ll burn out and overwork yourself to the extent that you’ll be put off fitness forever. If you’re a newbie, also remember that it takes time to get into a fitness routine and the only way to reach your ideal level is be consistent and stick with the program.


The best way to ensure that you avoid the excuses-zone is to make a habit of getting your workouts done first thing in the morning. Set your alarm to wake up an hour earlier, get to the gym and from there, you can shower and head for work. By doing your workout in the morning you are more likely to put it off later due to tiredness (or laziness), plus research has shown that you burn more fat if you do your cardio sessions first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
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Healthy Eating Shopping List

healthy eating,healthy living,diet,food,lifestyle,health
Healthy eating starts with careful planning and organization. Since fresh produce has a very limited shelf life, regular grocery shopping is a must. Creating a menu for the week and writing out a shopping list will save you time and money; while helping you stick to healthy recipes. Local health food stores and farmer markets are very money-wise solutions. Plus, frequent visits will allow you expand your culinary horizons as well as mingle with other health-concerned people.

Healthy eating means using fresh ingredients and gentle cooking methods without adding any artificial ingredients and fats. Healthy eating requires a lot of cooking, since take-out food often contains too many refined fats and artificial seasonings. However, with modern appliances you will discover that cooking is no longer an annoying chore reserved for special occasions, but an exciting part of everyday life.

So which products should we buy when we actually decide to begin eating healthy food? Here’s what your weekly shopping list should include.

Vegetables. All vegetables should be eaten young, when they are tender and not coarse. Vegetables are best bought from fresh food markets or seasonal, when they are sold in boxes or baskets. Supermarket vegetables are often genetically modified or have been picked green and ripened in boxes when traveling long distances. Sprouts and brightly colored vegetables contain the most vitamins and antioxidants.

Fruits. Again, the trick is to buy seasonal fruit, since exotic fruits have often traveled long distances and ripened in their boxes, not on trees. Local, naturally ripened or, better yet, organic fruit are the best choice for the health-conscious cook.

Herbs. Aromatic herbs and spices can be used fresh or dried. The best idea is to plant the aromatic herbs in pots on your window and use them fresh whenever you need them. To preserve flavor, you can buy spices whole and use them freshly ground.

Cheese. Although cheese is quite rich in fats, cheese is a great source of vitamins and minerals. Buy only fresh cheeses in small quantities and try to eat them at once, since gourmet cheeses don’t have a lengthy shelf life.

Eggs. Buy only organic or free-range eggs, and shake them before buying to ensure freshness.

Fish and shellfish. The best way to buy fish is fresh and unfrozen. Again, most of the fish in supermarkets comes from fish farms where it is fed with artificial substances, and this fish cannot be used in healthy recipes. Pink salmon and other popular kinds of fish will most likely come from a fish farm. Shellfish is a more healthy choice, since shrimp, for example, does not live in chemically polluted water. When you boil mussels, discard those that do not open.

Meat. For truly healthy eating purposes it’s better to skip meat entirely, since it’s almost impossible to find meat that comes from an environmentally and health conscious farmer. Most of the meat in supermarkets has enormous quantities of growth hormones and antibiotics. The best meat for use in healthy recipes comes from small farming communities or organic farms.

Grains. Whole wheat and whole grains should become a staple of your healthy eating routine, because many healthy ingredients are contained in the grain shell. Rice is the only exclusion from the rule, because, even though the rice grain shell is removed, many nutritional elements still remain in the rice grain.

What we eat become a part of us. So make your kitchen a starting point for your new healthy eating habits, and enjoy preparing healthy meals.
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10 Real Life Diet Tips

weight loss,fat,lose,diet,dieting,fad,eating,obese,BMI,exercise,composition, body fat
 Are you tired of diet tips handed out by someone with apparently unlimited income and time? For some of us, it may just not be practical to spend half of our Sunday preparing carefully portioned meals for the rest of the week, or financially feasible to buy all our meals prepackaged in just the right portions. And there are those of us who cringe at the thought of weighing food to achieve 'optimal portion sizes'. Here are ten real life diet tips for the rest of us.

1. Eating out? Restaurant portions tend to be enormous, and if it's on the plate, we tend to eat it. If it's possible, order from the kid’s menu, where portions are more reasonably sized.

2. Keep healthy snacks around and easily accessible. A bowl of fruit on the kitchen table, a container of celery or carrot sticks in the refrigerator, or a couple of pop-open cans of fruit salad in your desk at work will help you grab for something healthy when those first hunger pains begin. In other words, you'll be more likely to grab something low-calorie and good for you if it's easy to eat.

3. Substitute frozen vegetables for canned. Canned veggies tend to be high in sodium, which you don't need, and low in real nutrition, which you do. Buy economy size bags with zip closures to make it easy to pour out a single serving for a meal.

4. Buy a vegetable steamer. Steaming is one of the healthiest ways to cook vegetables. The food retains nearly all of its natural nutrients instead of leaching it out into the cooking water. Even better, it makes your veggies taste great - which means you'll be more likely to eat them instead of filling up on fatty foods that pack on weight.

5. Never eat standing up. One of the easiest ways to sabotage your diet is to 'eat without thinking'. Treat eating with the respect that it deserves. Fix yourself a plate. Sit down and eat properly. You'll be less likely to just pop food into your mouth without paying attention.

6. Spread your meals out. When you eat three meals a day, your body tends to store whatever it doesn't need right that moment. By adopting a 'grazing' habit, you'll keep your metabolism working throughout the day. Have a small breakfast, a piece of fruit with crackers or toast at mid-morning, a light lunch and an 'after school snack' mid-afternoon. Just remember that you're breaking up the same amount of food into smaller meals, not ADDING more food into your daily diet.

7. Grab a fruit juice or flavored water instead of soda. Soda is nothing but empty calories. No nutrients, lots of sugar. Instead, grab a bottle of 100% fruit juice, or water flavored with a spritz of fruit.

8. Drink water.
Even the FDA recommends at least 8 full 8 ounce glasses of water a day to keep your body working right. When you're dieting, you should drink even more. It's not just that full feeling - water helps your body digest foods properly and cleans out your system.

9. Can't afford a gym membership?
Make a pact with friends to exercise together. Make a date at least three times a week to play volleyball, take a walk or spend half an hour doing something active.

10. Skip the potato chips. Fatty snacks fried in hydrogenated oil like potato chips contribute fat and calories and not much else. Instead, grab a handful of dried fruit or a cup of yogurt for the same amount of calories and a lot more nutritional benefit.
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The Right Way To Use Weight Loss Supplements

weight loss, diet, weight loss supplements
 In our modern world, technology is not the only thing people are crazy about; they are also obsessed with their image. Presently, the criteria for judging beauty are a tall frame and a lanky stature.

Unfortunately, this found an ally in the media, who religiously enforces the rule for people to stay thin. You simply have to conform to this rule to be considered beautiful.

The result of this state of affair is the countless weight loss supplements that crowd the shelves of most stores. Everyone wants to be thin, and with the various diet plans at our disposal, there is really no reason why we can't be.

Of all the stores that stock these special medications, one stands out. It is called GNC, and it is known as the epitome of vitamins, muscle builders, and weight loss supplements.

This is because whatever product you are searching for to help you build muscle or one to aid you in dropping some pounds, you will surely find it at GNC.

However, this is not the only source of getting slimming products, there is another option- a far broader one in terms of resource, and it is known as the internet.

The internet is cluttered with a wide spectrum of weight loss supplements and vitamins. You will not only get several methods about starting a new diet and fitness regime, you will also find countless information to help you get started correctly.

But the decision of settling for a particular brand of weight loss supplements is not an easy one to make, not with the dozens of advertisement we see on television every day.

When confronted with such a situation, your first thought should be your objective. You should ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish.

Are you simply searching for quality weight loss supplements to shed off some extra pounds?
Or are you also trying to firm up your figure?

At this junction, it will be a smart move to consult with a specialist who can help you out with professional tips on how to get started.

It is important to purchase the correct weight loss supplements. Most of the so called "miracle pills" can have adverse side effects. Some offer lame cures that simply pull all of the water off your body, creating an illusion that you've lost weight. This is not a healthy way to do it.

The right way to burn off real fat and get into good shape is with a balanced diet and exercise, combined with weight loss supplements.

So jump online today and sort through the plethora of weight loss supplements. You want to lose weight, then you need to ensure you are doing it the healthy way.
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Are You Nutritionally Fit?

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A recent survey of nearly 700 Americans showed that 72 percent believe they are healthy eaters, yet government data proves otherwise.

The USDA recently revealed that Americans get plenty of protein and carbohydrates, but often fall short on key nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and vitamins C and E.

"Fifty years ago, we only recognized extreme cases of vitamin deficiencies, like scurvy, which is caused by a lack of vitamin C," said Carroll Reider, MS, RD, Nature Made vitamins director of scientific affairs and education. "Science has advanced. We now know that even small amounts of vitamin deficiencies hurt us much more than people realize."

While most Americans appear well fed, a key question is: Are you nutritionally fit? To assess your nutritional condition, Reider posed the following questions:

Do you shun the sun? People who wear sunscreen, live in northern climates or have darker skin may not receive optimal levels of vitamin D, which is made following exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and may also promote ovarian, breast, prostate, heart and colon health. Reider suggests 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily for people who spend most of their time indoors and those who don't synthesize vitamin D easily, such as darker- skinned individuals and the elderly. Vitamin D food sources include milk and fatty types of fish; however, it is hard to achieve optimal intake through food alone. It is also available in supplement form.

Do your meals lack color? Does dinner typically consist of meat, starch and the same green vegetable? For optimal health, add more colors to your diet. Vegetables such as steamed carrots, peppers and red cabbage add vibrant hues to the dinner plate while citrus wedges brighten the standard bed of greens. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables maximizes nutrient intake and provides antioxidants, which help fight free radicals that may cause premature aging. "A multivitamin formulated for your age and gender is also a good way to compensate for dietary imbalances," Reider said.

Is fish a regular dish? The American Heart Association recommends two servings of fish per week. Reider suggests salmon and tuna, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies suggest omega-3 fatty acids may promote heart health. Other sources include walnuts, flaxseed or vitamins.
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Stay Healthy and Learn To Meditate

alternative medicine, health, wellness, learn meditation, health, healthy meditation, meditation tips, healthy tips, how to meditate
Wondering how people who live to be 100 with a great quality of life do it? In his book, “Aging Well,” Harvard researcher, George Vaillant, M.D., found out just what centurions do. They cultivate a sense of peace, well-being and maintain a positive attitude. How? Here’s one of their biggest secrets: meditation. What’s ironic about meditation is, it has just become known in the West as a healing technique, but it has been practiced for ages in the East. So in my quest to give you easy sensible ways to purify your energy, I'll begin by defining meditation, then I'll show you how easy it is to apply to your daily routine.

Meditation Defined
Meditational exercises primarily use the experience of the body and thought as a means to reconnect with the environment and its healing power. Meditation, when practiced frequently, has been proven to promote inner peace and wellness. Meditation is also a mental practice in which the mind is directed to one area, often the breath. It draws its energy from the human connection to nature and creates a sense of unity or one-ness with it.

This unity has been shown to increase communication with the spirit of the body. It has also been known to allow positive thoughts in and to stimulate positive physiological and psychological effects. Meditation techniques are easy to learn and can easily be incorporated into any lifestyle. If practiced regularly, meditation will bring balance to your body and mind.

General benefits of meditation and breathing exercises include:

• Deep inner peace
• Improved self-esteem
• Increased creativity
• Physical health/healing
• Reduced medical care
• Slowing/reversal of aging
• Reversing of heart disease
• Stimulation of the body’s immune system
• Reduced stress

I have found there is really no one right ways to meditate. Here are a couple of my favorite meditational exercises that will get you started. Remember, there is no wrong path here. Try these, or simply sit in silence for 20 minutes, daily. You’ll be glad you did.

Meditative Grounding Exercise

• Sit with your legs crossed in a comfortable (Indian-style) position with your hands relaxed on you lap. Close your eyes and imagine a beam of light dropping from the base of your spine through the earth and connecting you to its center.

• Allow this beam of light to expand in width until it is wider than your own body and envelopes it. This is your personal space.

This exercise places you totally in your body and reminds you that you are anchored to the earth. Remember, the more grounded you are, the more aware you are. Sense the presence of your higher self: listen to its voice.

Energy Cleaning Exercise

Now that you are grounded, it’s important that you cleanse this personal space. Often we collect other people’s energies and are not aware of it. We do this both through interaction with others and basic activities of daily living.

• To remove all foreign energies from your space, imagine holding a brush and sweeping away the debris.

• Allow the debris to fall to the ground and become washed away. Let the light from the previous exercise envelop your body and spread its healing energy to the edge of your space, forming a protective force field around you.

Cleaning out the area surrounding your body will keep you grounded, define your personal boundaries and declare your space. Then choose who and what you wish to enter you space, keeping disease and illness out.

Breathing Exercise

• Follow your breath as you slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Count with each exhale until you reach 10 then begin again at one.

• If you find yourself past 10, acknowledge this and begin again at one from wherever you are.

• Imagine your body’s cells being replaced with fresh, pure oxygen and positive healing energy from this power source. Picture yourself exhaling old cells, stress, illness and worries.

• Let your thoughts pass through your mind like drifting clouds. Let them in and gently let them pass through. If the mind should harbor a negative thought, refocus on the breath.

• Thank any persistent negative thoughts for coming into your mind then gently let them go.

• Listen only for the positive, pronounced voice; the voice of your body.

Retrieve Your Energy Exercise

Since foreign energy often resides in your space, let’s also assume that you leave energy in other places. After completing the preceding exercises it is necessary to re-energize and call energy back.

• Imagine you have an energy magnet used to attract your energy back to you. Visualize energy flowing back to you, filling your body with light, health and empowerment.

• Allow a few minutes for the process.

Journal Questions:
1. Record in your journal any problem or trouble you may be having – emotional, physical or otherwise. Let problems go and give them over to your meditation.

2. Do you notice solutions coming to you throughout the day? Do you notice with regular meditation that your body and mind are becoming calmer and clearer?

Ideas To Consider:

1. Make time for your spirit daily. Exhibit behaviors and self talk that show your reverence for yourself.
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5 Super Simple Weight Loss Tips

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Weight loss is one of those subjects that everyone is always talking about. It seems you can’t go anywhere without seeing or hearing some type of weight loss message. Stories of the dangers of not losing weight appear regularly on the nightly news. Retail outlets and the Internet both are full of weight loss books and products. Weight loss is discussed in medical centers and at schools and even in the work place. If you’re trying to lose weight, here are a few tips to get you going.

Tip #1 – Stop Talking About Weight Loss!

All that talk about how much you want to lose weight isn’t going to make the weight come off. You’ve got to take action, starting right now. So take this simple advice: Stop moving your mouth and start moving your body! It won’t take long to begin seeing the results.

Tip #2 – Slow and Steady is Best

Slow and steady weight loss is better (and safer) than riding the dieting roller coaster. If you’re looking for long-lasting weight loss results, aim to lose an average of about two pounds each week. In order to lose weight you’ve got to consume fewer calories than you burn. As a bonus, when you combine dieting with exercise, you’ll be reducing your caloric intake and increasing your caloric burn rate at the same time.

Tip #3 – Save Your Money
Don’t spend your hard-earned money on the latest weight loss gimmicks. Pills, fad diets, hypnosis, and extreme surgical procedures are not the answer! These gimmicks won’t slim you down, but they will fatten the bank accounts of those who promote them! Eating a nutritionally-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, good fats and lean proteins will encourage weight loss faster than any miracle cure you can buy.

Tip #4 – Weight Loss is a Way of Life

Unfortunately, the issue of weight is something that most people will struggle with throughout life. Excess processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle are the two biggest contributors to this constant struggle. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you’ve got to change the way you think about food. It should be thought of as a source of fuel, not a passion. Successful weight loss really is about making lifestyle changes, including making the right food choices, and then sticking with those choices throughout life.

Tip #5 – Weight Loss is More Than a Number

When you’re dieting, don’t become a victim of the dreaded scale. When the numbers go down, happiness goes up. But when the numbers stay the same or go up, it is easy to give up and give in. Remember that even if your weight isn’t changing as you would like, your body is. You’ll be taking better care of your heart. You’ll be lowering your cholesterol levels. You’ll be sporting a leaner body and your clothes will begin fitting more comfortably. When you learn to find joy in these other benefits, you’ll want to keep on being a loser!
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How to Succeed With Your Diet

diet, lose, weight, loss, fat, free, food, eat, good, bad, health, nutrition, unhealthy, change, lifestyle
Typically, when thinking of the word diet, we think temporary. Spring breaks, weddings and even weekend beach trips will get us to lose some weight. Unfortunately, these short term diets don't work. They are unhealthy and once you stop them, your weight will come back. Studies show you'll be heavier than when you started. Instead of diet, think lifestyle change. This doesn't mean you have to give up fried chicken, pizza or even chocolate. Eating is a big part of our lives and should be enjoyed. An important concept to understand is moderation. If you can't live without fried chicken, eat it, just not everyday. Plus if you have it less, you'll enjoy it more.

Going from your favorite unhealthy foods to healthier alternatives is a huge jump. Next time you are flipping through channels, try and find a makeover show. Many of these shows try and get people to completely change their eating habits in less than a week. While this may seem healthy, it probably won't lead to any long term changes. Put yourself in their shoes. What food do you eat that you know is unhealthy and really love? How would you feel if someone said you can't ever have that food again? I don't think I'd go for it.

An easier way to do it is gradually. Take a food you love and try to make it healthier. If you love pizza, instead of buying it ready, make it at home. There are easy to use crusts available at your grocery store. Add your own toppings. If you love fried chicken, try baked chicken. Don't go out, make it yourself. Home made meals are almost always healthier than ones you get at a restaurant (fast food or not).

Another popular way to get healthier are fat-free or low fat versions of food. Cream cheese, peanut butter and milk all have low fat or fat free substitutes. Sometimes companies do a good job with taste and sometimes they don't. In some cases it might not even be possible to get the same taste with all the fat taken out. This is why it is important to go down in steps. If your goal is to drink fat free milk but you're using whole milk, don't do it overnight. Take it in steps over the coarse of a few weeks. You won't notice the difference in taste as much. The same goes for other dairy products. Also, if you just can't stomach the fat free version, try the low fat version.

Most importantly, don't ever deprive yourself of something you love. Sometimes we over indulge in what we enjoy. Instead of eating a large number of cookies, look at the nutrition label. Eat a serving and put the pack down.
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Is Your Weight Stressing You Out?

weight loss, over weight, obese, diet, liquid nutrition,stress,fasting,
I have been asked recently, what is my secret for my weight loss.
I jokingly just say I quit eating. But I am serious. Who says you must eat 3 meals every day?
Did GOD tell Adam he must eat 3 balanced meals a day? I have also heard it said that to lose weight you must eat 3 meals a day. Wow, who comes up with this stuff.

What I have found to be true in all my current research is this. Most people who are over- weight; (and how many people do you know that are not over weight, especially our children?) are overweight because their body is suffering from mal-nutrition. You may ask, how can someone 100lbs over their ideal body weight be suffering from mal-nutrition?

Folks, as we have all heard it many times before, and this is my opinion, there is nothing good in processed food. NaDa, zero, zilch. The box it is in may contain as much nutrition. **This is a Major clue ** If it won’t start to rot on the way home from the store, DON’T Buy IT!!! You can put processed foods out in your garage for days and most bugs won’t touch it. HOW COME? I am serious; try it with margarine. Think about it! And at best the whole food we do eat just has trace amounts of the minerals and vitamins our body needs.

Folks, this is Common Sense. If the foods we eat are dead, our body will just cry, and beg for more and more and more hoping that it may get something nutritional. That’s why we are always hungry. Think about this. How many times a day DO YOU put something in your mouth. Most of us don’t eat three meals per day. WE EAT all day long. The snack food companies are getting rich! Read my short tip on High Fructose Corn Syrup and do some research yourself.

GOD did not design our digestive system to have to process food all day long. Wow, what a brainstorm, Tedro is on to something.  Have you ever heard of FASTING? Just Fast one day a week (drink only water) and your body will rejoice.

Yes !! As I have said before, we must supplement our diet with nutritional products preferably liquid (for absorption). Since I have been training my body to accept the nutritional supplements I am giving it, it has quit crying and begging for food and I am literally not hungry most of the time. Wow!  My grocery bill has been cut in half; so can I afford the nutritional products?

Check out some of the different sources for delicious liquid whole food nutrition that I currently have on this site, join the company, buy wholesale, tell your friends and I hope you will be kind enough to use my name and ID numbers when you join the companies. To start on your road to an Abundant Healthy Living ACT today.

And of course I must add: As with any nutritional supplements, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The ingredients in these products provide many of the nutrients that are often missing in our food sources today.
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Eat Your Way to Weight Loss

Experts tell us we are what we eat. A disturbing thought when we consider how much sugar, fat and white flour is consumed daily, hidden in ready meals and fast foods. It’s time to change the bad habits we have developed over the last three decades and start eating to improve health, not destroy it!

A vital area of life that requires our attention is this….learning to answer hunger pains appropriately. If we neglect this, weight can increase and well-being may suffer.

Whether you need to lose weight, maintain weight or tone up your body; inappropriate eating habits can jeopardize your best efforts. This articles will help you start to understand how to manage hunger in a busy lifestyle.

If it’s sticky and sweet, made with sugar and saturated fat, then you must only eat it as a rare treat. Can the same be said for a delicious bowl of strawberries, or a juicy sweet orange? That is the problem here? Why do we choose cakes and chocolate over nature’s best offering?

If you do not have a genuine glucose imbalance, one cause perhaps is that sweet treats are deeply connected to our childhood, where frequently, ‘sweeteners’ were given as a reward for good behaviour, or to placate or console the unhappy child. Our memory will automatically associate sweet foods as a reward or a comfort. That bar of chocolate or sticky bun you devour mid-way through a stressful afternoon could be you rewarding yourself for hard work!

If you think you may be using sweet treats as a ‘reward’ or comfort and want to kick the habit, simply remember that putting on weight is NOT a reward. Then think of a reward that doesn’t involve food!

Guard yourself from the sweet snack attacks by being prepared and planning your day's food patterns.

1. Incorporate protein in to your breakfast AND lunch.Protein is key to controlling carbohydrate cravings. The RDA of protein for women is 60 grams a day. For women wanting to lose weight, health professionals recommend approximately 100 grams of protein daily. Why? One of the principle advantages of protein is that it creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction in the body that makes overeating much less likely. Source your protein from ultra lean sources so you don't pick up unwanted calories and saturated fats.

Even better, than providing a sense of sustained fullness, protein can block the triggering effect that carbohydrates can have on the brain. If you eat protein with a carbohydrate it will reduce the cravings caused by eating the carbohydrate.

2. Never skip meals. Research has shown that people who skip meals are more prone to obesity than those who regularly eat 3 meals a day. In fact, people who space their daily food requirements by making appropriate use of healthy snacks do even better. Why is this? When you skip meals you are more likely to get hungry and fill up on easily obtained fast foods which are often trigger foods.

3. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day. For some people sugar laden soft drinks are a trigger food. Make sure you don't get thirsty in the first place. Water creates a sense of fullness and has a host of other health benefits.

4. Plan the timing of your meals so that you don't get hungry. Despite having three healthy meals a day, sometimes your work schedule can mean the spacing of those meals still does not guard against the carbohydrate cravings. If you have a long gap between meals, make sure you carry healthy snacks to cover the distance, otherwise hunger will set in

5. Plan your snacks. Plan out your weekly snack schedule with some delicious, healthy snacks. Purchase these with your weekly shopping so that you are fully prepared. If you need to, get up a few minutes earlier in the morning so you have time to prepare and take your snacks to work. Remember, healthy snacks don't live in a vending machine! You are less likely to get hungry when you have a ready supply of healthy snacks.

6. Carry emergency supplies of nutritional protein bars in your handbag or brief case.When you feel a carbohydrate craving, eat the protein bar instead and wait 30 minutes before acting on the craving. More often than not the craving will pass and you will be in control again. This truly works.

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How to Exercise and Enjoy it

weight loss Exercise, fun fitness, personal trainer, exercise tip, fun weight loss, fitness Exercise
There are three key elements that are important to make any exercise program successful.  These elements are safety, effectiveness and enjoyment.

Safety: The “No pain, no gain” theory is a myth.  Avoid any exercise that causes pain or undue discomfort.  If pain occurs in the neck or chest area, stop exercising and if necessary, seek medical attention.  General muscle soreness is another matter, especially for the beginner.  You can expect some soreness but it need not be excessive.

A personal trainer will design an exercise program for you and your current fitness level.  As your fitness level increases, your program will be adjusted to keep up with you.  Too much too soon will only undermine your efforts.

Using proper form, technique and avoiding high-impact will keep your exercise program safe.  A strain in your lower back, shins, calves, ankles and knees are predictable results of improper form.  Repetitive, jarring movements should be avoided for general fitness.  If you feel a strain, please let your trainer know.  We don’t always know if you don’t tell us.

Don’t bounce or force stretching movements.  Quick, pulsing movements while stretching can result in muscle strain and tears.  Static movements that gradually extend muscles through the full range of motion until you feel resistance is the stretching to use for general fitness.  Stretching will also decrease the likelihood of injury and soreness.

Effectiveness: Effective exercise does require effort, but those who say it must hurt are wrong.  The level of exercise is determined by your fitness level and goals.  The fuel source for the body during low to moderate aerobic exercise is fat.  If burning excess body fat is your current fitness goal, stick to the recommended exercises and intensity levels to receive maximum results.  As your fitness level increases, so will the formula for your program.  Intensity, weight, repetitions and rest periods will all be adjusted as you progress.

Proper warm up before exercising and cool down afterward is essential to avoid injury and achieve peak performance.

Enjoyment: It has been said that nobody will exercise just because it is good for them.  We need additional motives or goals that mean something to us and that will come as a result of regular exercise.

It is important to identify your goal so your exercising effort is focused on your goal(s) to keep motivated.  The more motivating your exercise becomes the more enjoyable it will be.  More enjoyment produces more consistent and greater results!

So how do you make exercise fun?  First of all, stop thinking of it as exercise and start thinking of it as play.  You remember play: those activities you enjoyed as a child.  Turn exercise into play!  Usually, play involves interaction with friends and variety.
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