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8 Proven Strategies For Maximum Muscle Gains

muscle, muscle building, bodybuilding, fitness, health, body building, weight lifting
There is so much conflicting information out there when it comes to the topic of building muscle, and sometimes it can be very difficult to know where to start. If you’re an average beginner looking for some basic guidelines to follow in the gym, the following 8 points will start you off on the right track.

1) Train With Weights and Focus On Compound, Free Weight Movements.

If you want to make solid, noteworthy gains in muscle size and strength, you absolutely must train with free weights and focus on basic, compound exercises. A compound exercise is any lift that stimulates more than one muscle group at a time. Examples of these lifts are the squat, deadlift, bench press, chin up, barbell row, overhead press, dip and lunge. Compound movements allow you to handle the most weight and will stimulate the greatest amount of total muscle fibers.

2) Be Prepared To Train Hard.

One of the biggest factors that separates those who make modest gains from those who make serious gains is their level of training intensity. In order to stimulate your muscle fibers to their utmost potential, you must be willing to take every set you perform in the gym to the point of muscular failure.

Muscular Failure: The point at which no further repetitions can be completed using proper form.

Sub-maximal training intensity will leave you with sub-maximal results, plain and simple.

3) Track Your Progress In The Gym From Week To Week.

Our bodies build muscle because of an adaptive response to the environment. When you go to the gym, you break down your muscle fibers by training with weights. Your body senses this as a potential threat to its survival and will react accordingly by rebuilding the damaged fibers larger and stronger in order to protect against any possible future threat. Therefore, in order to make continual gains in muscle size and strength, you must always focus on progressing in the gym from week to week. This could mean performing 1 or 2 more reps for each exercise or adding more weight to the bar. Keep a detailed training log to track your progress as your strength increases over time.

4) Avoid Overtraining.

Overtraining is your number one enemy when it comes to building muscle size and strength. When most people begin a workout program, they are stuck with the misguided notion that more is better. They naturally assume that the more time they spend in the gym, the better results they will achieve. When it comes to building muscle, nothing could be farther from the truth! If you spend too much time in the gym, you will actually take yourself farther away from your goals rather than closer to them. Remember, your muscles do not grow in the gym; they grow out of the gym, while you are resting and eating. Recovery is absolutely vital to the muscle growth process. If you don't provide your body with the proper recovery time in between workouts, your muscles will never have a chance to grow.

5) Eat More Frequently.

The main area where most people fail miserably on their muscle-building mission is on the all-too important task of proper nutrition. Training with weights is only half of the equation! You break down your muscle fibers in the gym, but if you don't provide your body with the proper nutrients at the proper times, the muscle growth process will be next to impossible. You should be eating anywhere from 5-7 meals per day, spaced every 2-3 hours in order to keep your body in an anabolic, muscle-building state at all times. Each meal should consist of high quality protein and complex carbohydrates.

6) Increase Your Protein Intake.

Of the 3 major nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) protein is without a doubt the most important for those who are looking to gain muscle size and strength. Protein is found in literally every single one of the 30 trillion cells that your body is made up of and its main role is to build and repair body tissues. Without sufficient protein intake, it will be physically impossible for your body to synthesize a significant amount of lean muscle mass. If your body were a house, think of protein as the bricks. A general guideline is to consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day from high quality sources such as fish, poultry, eggs, beef, milk, peanut butter and cottage cheese.

7) Increase Your Water Intake.

If you want a simple, easy and highly effective way to maximize your muscle gains, drinking more water is it. Water plays so many vital roles in the body and its importance cannot be overstated. In fact, your muscles alone are made up of 70% water! Not only will drinking more water cause your muscles to appear fuller and more vascular, but it will also increase your strength as well. Research has shown that merely a 3-4% drop in your body's water levels can impact muscle contractions by 10-20%! Aim to consume 0.6 ounces for every pound of bodyweight each day for optimal gains.

8) Be Consistent!

Consistency is everything. Those who make the greatest gains in muscular size and strength are the ones who are able to implement the proper techniques on a highly consistent basis. Simply knowing is not enough, you must apply!

Building muscle is a result of the cumulative effect of small steps. Sure, performing 1 extra rep on your bench press will not make a huge difference to your overall results, and neither will consuming a single meal. However, over the long haul, all of those extra reps you perform and all of those small meals you consume will decide your overall success. If you work hard and complete all of your muscle-building tasks in a consistent fashion, all of those individual steps will equate to massive gains in overall size and strength.
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Are Liquid Supplements Right For Your Healthy Diet?

diet, nutrition, healthy food, liquid nutrition
Liquid nutrition products like Ensure (tm) and Boost (tm) have been used almost exclusively in nursing homes and hoispitals, until recently. Lately we have seen nutritional companies marketing these drinks to people of all ages and all stages of health.

Liquid supplements are supposed to be the answer for busy moms running around with the kids, business people running out the door out without time for a sit-down breakfast, and older adults wanting to insure that they will be able to enjoy their grandchildren. But what do these liquid nutrion product really offer?

In general, these supplements are composed of water, sugar, milk and soy proteins, oils, vitamins, and minerals. An 8-ounce can generally has 250 calories, and the deluxe version may have as many as 355 calories. Most are lactose free, some have added fiber, and some are specifically designed for children or adults with certain health problems.

These companies are also selling supplements in the form of pudding cups and candy bar type products, with varous nutrientional content.

What nutritional need are companies trying to help consumers answer? Below are some of the reasons companies give for buying their products.

These companies ad campaigns are using fear tactics to make you worry that you are not getting proper nutrition from your ordinary meals. True, some people are consuming less than the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for some nutrients, this doesn't mean they will develop a deficiency disease. If you truly feel you are not getting enough nutrients from your food, you should contact a registered dietitian or a KSU Extension Specialist in nutrition. They can help you determine your needs for additional supplements.

These “Eat on The run” Liquid supplements may be a quick way to get vitamins, minerals and protein, but there is more needed for good health! Scientists continue to discover new ingredienets in foods that provide health benefits. Consider this; the canned supplements have a severe lack of fiber and other healthy components but are really high in sugars and calories. Although this was ideal for the original intent of the products, most healthy consumers don’t want or need all the extra calories that the supplement provides.

In summary, while there is a need for liquid nutritional supplements in some medical conditions, these products are unnecessary for the average, healthy person. In addition, one must consider the cost of an 8 once can of these liquid supplements to determine if they should be included in their dietary regimen.
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3 Simple Steps To Lose Body Fat

3 Simple Steps To Lose Body Fat
What Does It Take To Lose Body Fat?

To lose body fat, you need to incorporate sheer simplicity, plus ultimate science because understanding how to lose body fat comprises your awareness of BOTH concepts. Now is the time to prepare your heart and mind for non-stop challenge, consistent focus, and utmost care.

You are here seeking some viable remedy, correct? Our time together here is far more worthwhile if I just go ahead and tell you, right now, what it takes to lose body fat. In a nutshell, your biggest key is mental preparedness. Yep. That's the biggie!

As soon as you discover how to convince your mind to issue "lose body fat" commands, you are well on your way to fitness success. To lose body fat, then, is a quite simple matter. Ye, of course, the difficulty you may face lies in your initial THINKING, then the reality of DOING.

There are a few things you will have to do in order to lose body fat. If and when you are willing and ready to do these things, you are SURE to lose body fat, without question.


Does It Really Pay To Seek A Short Cut To Lose-Body-Fat Satisfaction?

After you spin yourself virtually all the way around in a lose-body-fat circle by asking questions from sources that either really don't know the truth, or even worse, only care to tell whatever it takes to separate you from your checkbook, credit card, or wallet -- the simplicity and long-time duality of how to lose body fat remains unchanged. Ease versus complexity... long way around versus short-cut solution.

Somebody or someone (meaning YOU) has to do the work! You want to lose body fat, that's why you're here. So, your body needs to engage required, time proven, professional principles that prove themselves for you over and again. In short, to lose body fat you clearly build independence, self-assuredness, confidence, and other lose-body-fat skills that surprisingly emanate from your mental intellectual potential rather than merely your present physical ability.


Simply do these three things to lose body fat:

ONE: Once and for all, learn how to find out your daily caloric consumption AND your energy expenditure numbers. Both of these numbers are absolutely crucial because they tell you exactly what your body is doing, right down to the very calorie. Once this calculation process becomes second nature to you, full control of the amount of body fat you carry lay right in the palms of your very hands.

In other words, you can shape your "lose-body-fat" fortune and alter your lean body appearance almost exactly how you want it to be.

TWO: Work out for the most part, using much more drive and intensity than you ever have before in your entire life! I say this to you primarily because of 1) remotely conscious human tendencies that we all have toward relaxation and taking the easy way out of a challenging situation rather than facing and conquering its root cause, plus 2) endorsed exercise science knowledge says that performing at higher thresholds gives you life-extending benefits and burns higher amounts of calories from excess body fat. So, to enormously yet safely lose body fat, begin to train yourself towards high intensity interval exercise.

You may burn twice as many calories as you did before, plus feel better and look better, too.

THREE: Lastly, know that the entire weight-loss-lose-body-fat scenario revolves around one, vital and never-changing concept: Being overweight, thus, needing to lose body fat, remains a direct result of eating too much food and not getting enough exercise. Now, with this last one, allow me to isolate your biggest probable obstacle. The number one problem is that you hear this very same lose-body-fat news so much and so often that your brain instantly goes into SHUT-DOWN or shut-off mode. That is, the tendency to assume the "I've Been There Before, Heard It All Before, Done It All Before, and It Never Works for Me" syndrome kicks in immediately.

The solution? Put on some new "lose body fat" ears today, starting right now. Allow yourself to hear the deeper gist this message carries. Cease to dismiss the seemingly small yet crucial matters that make the difference between your continued frustration and your lose body fat reward.

Understanding the true meaning of what it takes to lose body fat requires acceptance, open ears, and action. So, learn your personalized details, do the required work, plus know confidently and securely almost all about what it takes to lose body fat.
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5000 Year-Old Medical Secret Unearthed!

5000 Year-Old Medical Secret Unearthed!
When you get sick, you go to the doctor. And the doctor will, of course, prescribe medicines. You will go and buy medicines. You take them, and hopefully, you get well.

This is how the health profession goes on nowadays – a cycle of diagnosis and prescription.

If anyone were to give you herbs for medicine, you would probably say that that person was a quack.

But nowadays, studies are being conducted to see if there are really is any merit to what is called natural medicine.

Natural medicine is the use of natural methods, herbal medicines, and traditional practices to heal ailments. Every culture has a form of natural medicine. In ancient cultures, village medicine men served as the doctors of the community, passing on medical knowledge to the apprentices that followed them.

Many categories of the healing methods fall under natural medicine. Among these are traditional medicine, complementary medicine, and alternative medicine.

Usually, natural medicine refers to medical practices that were in place before the advent of modern medicine.

This includes herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, which is prevalent in Chinese, Ayurvedic(or Indian), and Greek medicine.

Upon the advent of modern medicine, many professionals discarded the use of herbs in favor of man-made medicine. The fact that these treatments are based on the healing properties of some herbs was forgotten.

For example, opium, digitalis, quinine, and aspirin all have their roots in traditional medicine.

Natural medicine can be considered as a lost art. This does not mean that it has lost efficacy over time. In some cases, natural therapy is actually better than modern medicine. This leads some doctors to seriously consider and study the possible uses of natural medicine

Before we continue, it is important to stress that not all the natural remedies are legitimate. It would help to only try those remedies which have been thoroughly studied and are relatively risk free.

Take herbal medicine for example. There are many well-documented and studied herbal remedies available. However, only those that deal with minor ailments such as cough, colds, fever, skin rashes, and its ilk are likely to be recommended by health professionals. These remedies are sometimes superior to synthetic medicine. This is because herbal medicines are less likely to cause negative side effects.

Currently there are numerous organizations that study the effects and advocacy of natural medicine – among which is herbal medicine. Some governments and health agencies openly advocate the use of natural methods since they are inexpensive and relatively risk-free.

As their studies compile, more herbs and treatments are added to the list of accepted medicines. However, many herbs and treatments have been proven to be bogus medicine. This represents a challenge for both the user and the agencies because they have to ascertain that the treatments they either use or advocate are legitimate.

There exist today many alternative medical treatments that fall under natural medicine. However, not all of them have been proven to be effective. You could mention homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and other alternative medical treatments. It would pay to consult the experts as to the legitimacy of these treatments.

Natural medicine should also be thought of as an accompanying medicine. Right now, the current collective medical thought suggests that natural medicine be used only to supplement accepted modern medical practices. In that case of minor ailments your expert we actually advise you to take natural therapies instead.

The practice of modern medicine revolves around diagnosing an illness and prescribing treatments for such. Natural medicine is helpful because it suggests that treatment be not necessarily given only when sick. Natural medicine strives to make each patient practice good health habits. These habits include good diet, healthy living, and the regular natural treatment.

It is this same line of thought that leads our parents to tell us to eat our vegetables. Yes, a healthy lifestyle and will do no harm to our well-being. And this is the foundation of natural medicine – may it be massage, herbal medicine, aromatherapy or others.

It is funny but true that science, in its quest for excellence, is studying the knowledge of sages past. This, surprisingly, leads us back to the remedies nature offers. The possibilities of finding remedies to everyday illnesses in natural medicine are encouraging. So staying tuned to studying these remedies is worthwhile until we can verify that these therapies are truly helpful to our health and our society.
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1 Pound Of Fat = 3,500 Calories

1 Pound Of Fat  = 3,500 Calories
There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. Thus, if you cut back or work off just 3,500 calories, you will lose an entire pound of fat. While it is possible to cut back on your calorie intake and increase your exercise regimen in order to lose pounds quickly, it is important to note that doctors recommend that you lose no more than 2 pounds of weight per week in order to ensure that your body properly adjusts to the weight loss.

Here are some tips to help you safely drop 3,500 from your regular routine:


Running for about 1 hour at a slow pace will help you lose approximately 350 calories, depending on your body type, speed and terrain. Thus, if you run for one hour five days a week while maintaining a consistent diet, you will safely lose one pound.

It is important to understand that many people who just begin running will eat pasta and other foods high in carbohydrates in order to compensate for the exertion. They think that because they worked out so hard, they deserve a treat. After all, they justify, the pasta will help to keep their energy levels high.

However, what they may not realize is that while they are justified in thinking that the carbohydrates will infuse their workout routine with energy, they are not actually setting their bodies up to lose weight. When you burn 350 calories but intake 450 over a high-carbohydrate pasta dish, you are adding more calories to your body than you otherwise would have.

Running does, however, help to boost our metabolism and change your muscle tone so that you burn calories more efficiently. Instead of inhaling a pasta dish after a run, select instead to have a large salad and splurge for the carbohydrate-rich croutons.

Eat In

When you eat out at a restaurant, not only are you subjecting your body to an array of high fat, high calorie foods, but you are also tempting yourself to eat a larger portion than you might normally eat. Therefore, what could be a simple 500 calories meal can easily turn into a 1500-calorie fat fest. In order to lose weight by cutting calories, it is essential that you are aware of exactly what you are putting into your body. Especially in the beginning of your new routine, it is important that you prepare your meals and monitor your level of hunger.

When eating out, generally you are in a social situation where food is not a priority – but spending time with your friends is. For this reason, people tend to eat more than they normally would. Non-dessert eaters often even spring for the extra round of calories. If you must eat out, help yourself avoid temptation by selecting a salad rather than a plate of pasta or burger. You will be amazed at the difference in the amount of calories you intake when you make simple choices such as meal option.

By reducing your overall calorie intake and increasing your level of physical activity, you will be able to lose those 3,500 calories without much trouble. Make sure that you stay focused, motivated and on task. You’ll shed unwanted weight in no time!
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5 Reasons Why Alcohol Will Destroy Your Muscle Gains

 Alcohol Will Destroy Your Muscle Gains
I receive emails every single day from aspiring muscle-builders all over the world, and one of the most common questions I’m asked is “does drinking really affect the muscle growth process?” I’m sorry to say it, but yes, too much alcohol will almost definitely have a significant negative impact on your muscle-building results. Alcohol is far more harmful than most people think, and it’s very important that you understand how this drug (yes, alcohol is a drug) is affecting your progress. This is not an anti-drug speech, but if you’re serious about achieving a truly impressive physique, you should definitely be aware of the 5 main ways that alcohol is slowing down your gains…

1) It negatively affects protein synthesis.

Protein synthesis is the process where amino acids are joined together to form complete proteins. Excessive alcohol consumption slows this process down by up to 20%, and since your muscles are made up of protein, you can see how this is a problem.

2) It lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen.

Testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body. One of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle a person can gain is their level of free-flowing testosterone.

3) It causes dehydration.

The kidneys must filter very large amounts of water in order to break down the alcohol, and this can result in severe dehydration within the body. Water plays an absolutely crucial role in the muscle-building process, and being even slightly dehydrated is a recipe for disaster. The muscles alone are comprised of 70% water.

4) It depletes the body of vitamins and minerals.

Alcohol consumption causes vitamins A, C, the B's, calcium, zinc and phosphorus to all be drained at rapid rates. Vitamins and minerals keep every little process in your body functioning properly, and many of these processes involve muscle growth and maintenance.

5) It increases fat storage.

With 7 empty calories per gram, alcohol can actually be quite fattening. Alcohol also disrupts the Kreb’s Cycle, which plays an important role in fat burning.

It’s important to have fun in life, but too much fun can lead to problems. If you’re serious about achieving significant muscle-building results, you definitely need to monitor your intake of alcohol and make sure that you are consuming it in moderation. A few drinks here and there shouldn’t be a problem, but if you find yourself drinking every weekend you can almost certainly kiss your muscle gains goodbye.

If you do decide to go out and party, make sure to drink plenty of water and to properly nourish yourself with vitamins/minerals and a protein rich meal.

I don’t recommend revolving your entire life around your muscle-building program, so don’t be afraid to go out and have a good time once in a while. Just make sure to keep your drinking nights infrequent (no more than once a month) and properly nourish yourself to lessen its effects. As long as you monitor what you’re doing you can achieve an impressive physique and have a social life at the same time.
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How To Meditate

How To Meditate, meditation, meditation techniques
How to meditate? Breath, and watch your breath.

Among the documented benefits of meditation are less anxiety, decreased depression, reduction in irritability and moodiness, better learning ability and memory and greater creativity. That's just for starters. Then there is slower aging (possibly due to higher DHEA levels), feelings of vitality and rejuvenation, less stress (actual lowering of cortisol and lactate levels), rest (lower metabolic and heart rate), lower blood pressure, and higher blood oxygen levels

How to Meditate Right Now

Here's a simple technique that will give you results in minutes. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and tense up your whole body. Sigh deeply, then breath deeply through your nose and release the tension from every muscle. Just feel each part relaxing, watching for parts that may hold onto tension, like a tight jaw.

If you still have tension somewhere, tense up that part again, then let it relax. It may also help to repeat silently "relax" as the tension drains. This will train your body and mind to recognize relaxation. Later you may be able to relax more easily just by repeating "relax" a few times.

Breath through your nose. This is important because it brings in more oxygen by involving your diaphragm more. You can test this. Breath with your mouth and you'll notice that your breathing is shallower. Then breath through your nose and you'll notice that your abdomen extends more. Air is being drawn deeper into your lungs.

Allow your breathing to fall into a comfortable pattern, and pay attention to it. Pay attention to your breath as it passes in and out of your nose. Your mind may wander endlessly, but all you have to do is continually bring attention back to your breath.

If your mind is still too busy, try naming the distractions as a way of setting them aside. For example, say in your mind, "itchy leg," "worried about work," or "anger," and then immediately return attention to your breathing. Use any way you can to identify and set aside distractions.

That's it. Continue for five or ten minutes, or for 100 breaths. Afterwards, open your eyes and sit there for a few seconds. You'll feel relaxed, and your mind will feel refreshed. And you'll be better prepared for any mental challenges. That's how to meditate.
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"Fad" Weight Loss Diet

"Fad" Weight Loss Diet

Obesity is a physical state that refers to excessive body fat. Chances are you have experienced the frustrations of dieting at least once in your life, if you have problems with your weight. Close to a hundred million Americans go on a weight loss diet in any given year and up to ninety-five percent of them regain the weight they lose within five years. Worse, a third will gain back more weight than they lost, in danger of "yo-yoing" from one popular diet to another. The conventional approach to weight problems, focusing on fad weight loss diets or weight loss drugs, may leave you with just as much weight and the additional burden of ill health.

Today, an estimated sixty-five percent of all American adults are obese or overweight. Our culture obsesses about staying thin even as we grow fatter, but this isn’t about appearances. Obesity is known to be a precursor to many debilitating health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and gallbladder disease. Obesity contributes to as many as 375,000 deaths every year. In addition, the public health costs for obesity are staggering. According to researchers at Harvard University, obesity is a factor in 19% of all cases of heart disease with annual health costs estimated at 30 billion dollars; it’s also a factor in 57% of diabetes cases, with health costs of $9 billion per year.

Set Realistic Goals:
No doubt you have fallen for one or more of the weight loss diet schemes over the years, promising quick and painless weight loss. Many of these quick weight loss diet programs undermine your health, cause physical discomfort, flatulence, and ultimately lead to disappointment when you start regaining weight, shortly after losing it. Fad or quick weight loss diet programs generally overstress one type of food. They contravene the fundamental principle of good nutrition - to remain healthy one must consume a balanced diet, which includes a variety of foods. Safe, healthy, and permanent weight reduction is what’s truly lost among the thousands of popular diet schemes.

Some of the weight loss diet schemes reign supreme briefly, only to fade out. While some wane from popularity due to being unproductive or unsafe, some simply lose the public's curiosity. Examples of such fad diets include the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet, the Grapefruit diet, Cabbage Soup diet, the Rotation diet, Beverly Hills diet, Breatharian, Ornish Plan – the list goes on and on. These fad diets advocate a specific technique (such as eliminating a certain food, or eating only certain combinations of foods) in conjunction with the basic idea that the body makes up the difference in energy by breaking down and utilizing some part of itself, essentially converting matter into energy. This self-cannibalism, or catabolism as it is referred, typically starts with breakdown of stored body fat.
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Bee Supplements For Your Health

Bee Supplements For Your Health
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is often referred to as nature's most complete food. Human consumption of bee pollen is praised in the Bible, other religious books, and ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. Bee pollen rejuvenates your body, stimulates organs and glands, enhances vitality, and brings about a longer life span. Bee pollen's ability to consistently and noticeably increase energy levels makes it a favorite substance among many world class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance.

Bee Propolis
Bee propolis, often called Nature’s penicillin, has historically been used to treat TB, ulcers, mitosis, colitis and to boost immunity. Bee propolis has been shown to destroy bacteria, viruses, fungus and even penicillin-resistant bacteria (staphylococcus). It contains bioflavonoids, one of which (galangin) is a natural antibiotic. As well, Bee propolis boosts immune functioning, specifically by increasing the activity of phagocytes (killer cells). Bee Propolis also inhibits prostaglandin production, thereby stopping inflammation.

Bee Propolis is a resin collected from plants by bees and used in the construction of hives. Bees adopted sterilization habits long before humans. The most sterile place in nature is the bee hive. Propolis is the natural substance responsible for neutralizing any bacteria, fungi or virus which enters the hive. One of the most powerful foods found in nature, Propolis is a highly complex mixture of waxes, resins, balsams, oils and a small amount of pollen.

Bee Propolis is a waxy substance collected by honey bees which contains phytotonizides. Phytotonizides are believed to contain immunity factors, which when used internally, stimulates the body and gives it a natural resistance to diseases (a natural antibiotic). Propolis is gathered from all around the world, and proper temperature control will assure maximum freshness and consistency.

As a supplement, Bee Propolis is an excellent aid against bacterial infections. Stimulates 'phagocytosis'; helps white blood cells to destroy bacteria. Good results against inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and the throat, dry cough, halitosis, tonsillitis, ulcers, and acne. Stimulates immune system.

Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is a substance of complex chemical structure produced by the young nurse bees as larva food. Although it is not quite as well known as bee pollen, royal jelly equals pollen in its salutary effects.

The young nurse bees make royal jelly, it is a secretion from glands on the tops of their heads. For 2-3 days, royal jelly is the only food given to all young larvae in their maturation process, while for the queen larvae, it is the specific food for their whole life period. During the 3 days in which the worker bee larvae are fed on royal jelly, they reach the maximum development; their weight multiplies about 250 times. The queen (fed only on royal jelly for her entire life) reaches maturity 5 days earlier than the worker bees; and, when she is fully grown, her weight is double that of the working bee. The span of the worker bee's life is about 35-40 days; while the queen lives 5-6 years and is extremely prolific. She is fertilized once, and from that moment on can lay as many as three thousand eggs a day during the season. As incredible as this may seem, she can lay that many eggs for five years.

This rich concentrated food is not just useful for the bees. It contains remarkable amounts of proteins, lipids, glucides, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, mineral substances, and specific vital factors that act as biocatalysts in cell regeneration processes within the human body.
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5 Fun Ways to Get In Shape

5 Fun Ways to Get In Shape
The market is saturated with low-fat, low-carb and sugar-free foods. But despite the popular diets, "magical" pills and the latest, greatest fitness machines that all promise to melt away the pounds, more than half of American adults are overweight.

For true weight-loss success, health experts stress the importance of changing your lifestyle for the long term and exercising regularly. Here are some creative ways to make fitness fun again and help you win the battle of the bulge once and for all.

* Take "healthy" vacations. Make fitness part of your travels. Head to a spa where, along with a little pampering, you can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, kickboxing, aqua aerobics and yoga.

* Walk or run for a good cause. Training for a 5K charity walk, for example, may be all the motivation you need to get started on a regular fitness routine. Best of all, you'll be helping your favorite charity accomplish its goals.

* Dance. Join a ballroom or hip-hop dancing class. It's a great way to shed the pounds, learn how to dance and have fun.

* Strip the weight away. New DVDs featuring Carmen Electra help you spice up your regular workout routine and provide a fun new way to tone your body right in the comfort of your own living room.

"Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease" and "Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease - Fit to Strip" are fast becoming wildly popular. With the help of fitness experts, Electra teaches viewers how to trim down with high- and low-impact dance and fitness techniques. The strengthening moves are designed to help tone the hips, thighs, buns and abs. The DVDs' special features include a pop-up video display with workout tips and a customizable music track.

* Do Pilates. Find out what makes Pilates the workout of choice for countless celebrities, and why your gym's Pilates classes are always full. The "MTV: Pilates Mix" DVD, hosted by renowned Pilates and yoga instructor Kristin McGee, is perfect for those who want to add a more cutting-edge beat to their workout. The DVD features two half-hour workout sessions that focus on toning the arms, legs and abs, with a music mix that motivates you to get up and work out.
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7 Important Tips for Yoga Success

 Important Tips for Yoga Success
Yoga has been proven to relieve stress by using exercises that unify the mind, body, and spirit. If you are new to yoga, these seven tips will start you on the road to a more centered life.

1. Talk to your doctor and explain what type of yoga poses you intend to practice. Show your doctor pictures of the poses for illustration. Your doctor may rule out specific poses if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, a history of retinal detachment, or heart disease. Make sure you follow your doctor’s recommendations.

2. Find a yoga class that best fits your abilities. Talk to prospective teachers, and decide whether of not you can handle a program before you sign up. It’s very important to take it one step at a time. Try a few beginner classes before you attempt more vigerous classes. Don’t move ahead too quickly. Allow your body to adjust to your exercises.

3. Listen to your body and be aware of your physical abilities. You don't want to hurt yourself. Make sure the instructor understands your level of experience and any limitations you may have. Don’t allow anyone to push you ahead too quickly. Remember, this is supposed to be fun and relaxing.

4. If you can’t find a class that meets your needs, you can always practice yoga at home. There are many books, programs, and tapes available to help you get started. Search for the best products on the Internet and read reviews. Talk to others for recommenations.

5. Why not try private lessons? You can book some one-on-one sessions with a teacher in your area. Most yoga instructors offer private classes or can help you design your own program. This is a good way to get started. You can always take group lessons or practice at home after you’ve had private lessons and learned the basics.

6. Find a yoga buddy. It’s nice to practice with someone and it will help reduce injuries. It’s also a great way to keep up your enthusiasm and interest.

7. Eat lightly before practice. Wait at least two hours after meals before yoga class or practice. An empty stomach is best, but don’t let yourself get too hungry to think. You won't be able to focus on the poses or enjoy yourself during the relaxation or meditation exercises.

Now it's time to grab your mat and a towel and get the most out of your yoga exercises.
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The Best Exercises to Lose Weight

The Best Exercises to Lose Weight

The best exercises to lose weight are cardiovascular, known as cardio, exercises. These are effective at raising the heart rate and burning calories. They also boost the metabolic rate, which is the rate at which calories are burnt by the body to fuel daily living activities. Once the metabolic rate is raised by exercise, it remains elevated for some time afterwards, burning even more calories and fat. Here is a quick guide to the different types of cardio exercise you can try;

Walking and Running
These are easy to do- just put on a good pair of running shoes and walk out of the door. Although running burns more calories then walking, it is a higher impact exercise as your feet and legs have to absorb the impact of the road surface, so it does have the potential to cause strain and injury if you do not build up gradually.

If you are not keen on walking or running outside or the weather is bad, you can use a treadmill for your workouts, either in a gym or in your own home. Treadmills have the advantage of providing a more cushioned running surface, which lessens impact.

Ideally you should exercise at a pace where your heart rate is raised and you feel a little out of breath, but you can still talk fairly easily.

This is a good exercise to do if you want to avoid strain or injury as your bodyweight is supported by the bike. You don’t need much in the way of specialist equipment- just a cycle and a good cycling helmet and you are away. Cycling can be a great time saver too as you can easily cycle to places such as work or to the store instead of taking the car. It is also a great exercise for getting the whole family involved.

If you are short on time, or don’t want to cycle outside, you can purchase stationary bikes to use inside whenever you have a few moments free.

This is an ideal exercise if you are injured or have not exercised for some time, as your bodyweight is completely supported and cushioned by the water.

If you are not sure of your swimming technique, or have not swum for several years, consider investing in a refresher course of lessons to increase your confidence.

Other Cardio Exercises
The elliptical trainer and rowing machine at the gym also provide a very good cardio workout. Rowers work the whole body and most of the major muscle groups, so are very effective at burning calories and fat.

Elliptical trainers mimic the action of walking, running and cross-country skiing, giving you the advantages of doing all of these exercises. They also allow you to work out your arms at the same time. Both elliptical trainers and rowing machines support your bodyweight, making them low impact cardio exercises. It is possible to purchase machines for use at home if you don’t enjoy going to the gym.

Fortunately most of these best exercises to lose weight can be comfortably fitted into your daily routine, especially if you purchase machines to workout in the comfort and convenience of your own home.
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Meet The HCG Diet

What is The HCG Diet?
There are multiple numbers of diet plans on the market. Many have been around for a long period of time and many are new and promising such as the HCG diet plan, which is rapidly becoming one of the best-known diet plans in the market.  What is the HCG diet and why should you try this unique diet plan?

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) diet plan is a quick and reliable way to lose weight. HCG is formed during pregnancy and aids in helping to make sure the mother and the baby have enough fuel as it stores abnormal fat to be used later as energy. 

When the HCG is used in a person who is trying to lose weight the HCG triggers the dipencephalon region in the brain to use the “abnormal fat” causing it to burn rapidly.  With this rapid burn and a lower intake of calories, you will have a quick weight loss. The balanced food will boost your metabolism and will help you lose the fat in your stubborn areas thorough the HCG diet.

HCG Diet Plan

It is 100% Effective and Completely Safe.  This diet plan modifies eating behaviors and helps reduce caloric intake as it responds to metabolic cues. Testing has been going on for over fifty years and the data has come back that HCG is an effective way to lose weight with minimal reports of any side effects. Reviews have poured in of happy clients who have beat the weight loss yoyo and are now on their way to better health.

HCG Reduces Cravings. HCG targets the hypothalamus in the brain that regulates the control of food intake. Through metabolic cues and signals from the digestive system, the hypothalamus lets the body know when it is time to eat in order to maintain a certain body weight and also helps to reduce food cravings.

Side Effects. HCG is a “natural” hormone that pregnant women produce. Side effects have been reported in people with pre-existing conditions when they were administered high dosages of HCG. However, there have been no side effects resulting from people following the HCG diet plan.

Weight Loss on the HCG Diet Plan. The average weight loss is only an average of a group of people and no two people are alike. The average weight loss is about ½ to 3 lbs a day. This will vary from person to person.

HCG is proven safe, it has proven to work and reviews speak for themselves with all the positive feedback from happy consumers. Take the time and do some research and make sure all your questions have been answered so that you feel good about your decision to try the HCG diet.
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Ten Healthy Weight Loss Tips

10 Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Just by following simple healthy weight loss tips you can lose weight and keep it off. You can lose weight without starving yourself or without doing anything else extreme. Start off by implementing these ten healthy weight loss tips into your daily routine and watch the pounds drop off.

Break Bad Habits
Replace foods such as white bread with whole wheat bread and canned veggies with fresh or frozen veggies. Buy foods that have lower amounts of sugar in them. Don't eat or snack while watching TV because there is a tendency to eat more than needed. Think of other bad habits that you can break.

Take a Multi-Vitamin
Taking a multi-vitamin is very important because it helps you to get the proper nutrients. When your body is lacking nutrients you will feel tired and lack energy. This also leads to sickness.

Do Not Eat Past 7 PM
This gives your body a chance to process food and burn fat. When you sleep your metabolism slows down so if you go to sleep after you eat your body will not burn off as many calories.

Get a Weight Loss Buddy
A weight loss buddy will keep you motivated to continue your weight loss plan even when times get tough. There are even online communities that you can tap into that will help you stay on track.

Exercise Self Control and Discipline
The most important weight loss tip is to have the right attitude towards losing weight. Losing weight does not happen overnight and it does not happen without effort. Make a commitment today to stick to your plan.

Eat Small Meals
It's really important to not allow yourself to get hungry. If you wait to eat when you are really hungry, you will end up over eating. The solution or *secret* is to eat healthy fruits, vegetables, proteins, and fiber through out the day.

Don't Skip Meals
This is similar to the first weight loss tip. If you are busy make sure to have on the go food like protein bars or low calorie snacks. You can through your body off track if you skip meals. Make sure to do everything in your power to prepare so that you do not go too much longer than three hours between meals.

Get Active
The absolute best way to lose weight quickly is to get active. Try hard to fit in a cardio workout three to five times a week. If you do not have time to go to the gym, then put on a workout DVD, Fit TV, or make up your own routine. The point is to get your heart rate up for 15-20 minutes. This boost in your heart rate will help you burn more calories. You'll notice that you will lose weight quicker too.

Cut Out Sugar
Sugar is necessary for a healthy body; however, most people get way too much sugar. The sugars that should be consumed are in nutrient rich whole grains, cereals, fruits, and vegetables. Table sugar and the sugar that is in candy and chocolates are the types of sugar that do not provide any nutrients and should be a limited part of your diet.

Drink Lots Of Water
The main component of our body is water. Our bodies need water to function properly. If you are trying to lose weight it is a good idea to replace sodas and juices with water. In one bottle of juice you can easily consume 200-300 calories and 16-20 grams of sugar. Water is your best bet because it has zero calories, no sugar, and is readily available (free even).

If you follow these weight loss tips you will notice that it becomes easier and easier to lose weight and keep it off!
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7 Benefits of Weight Training

 Benefits of Weight Training

If you’re just starting an exercise program, you may not yet have started training with weights, but you should definitely consider it. While cardio is great, you won’t get the full effects of exercise without adding the benefits of weight training to your routine. Some of the benefits include:

 1. Speeds Up Metabolism: Lean muscle tissue is metabolically active, so the more muscle you build the more your metabolism will speed up. Lean muscle burns more calories. So if you’re trying to lose weight one of the benefits of weight training is that you burn calories even after you’re done working out. That’s hard to beat.

 2.Improves Confidence: Weight lifting makes you feel better, as you become stronger and look better. Whether it’s just knowing that you can lift something, or seeing yourself become stronger and look leaner you will feel better about yourself.

 3.Strengthens Bones: Another benefit of weight training is that it actually strengthens your bones and helps to prevent osteoporosis as you age, thus giving you better quality of life into your later years.

 4.Helps Boost Immune System: Weight training, like other forms of exercise, helps your immune system defend your body, preventing not only colds but more serious illnesses, and can help you resist illnesses like diabetes and heart disease because you will be healthy and more fit.

 5.Improves Flexibility: You may have heard that weight lifters are less flexible, but actually one of the benefits of weight training is that it improves flexibility and makes muscles more pliable. When done correctly you will feel better and be less prone to injury.

 6.Eases Depression: Weight lifting releases endorphins so you will feel great when you finish a workout and this will help you feel great overall. Exercise is one of the best natural therapies available.  

7.Helps With Sleep: In addition to being one of the best natural therapies, another benefit of weight training is that it is one of the best sleep inducers around. After a great workout you’ll sleep better.

These are just seven of the best benefits of working out with weights. The next time you workout don’t forget the weights.
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