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Meditation For People On The Go

Meditation is an ancient ritual that is perfect for individuals seeking a bit of peace, quiet, and inner reflection into their daily lives. However, many individuals erroneously believe they do not have the appropriate time to devote to meditation. This practice does not require a special room and hours upon hours of inner reflection to be done properly and receive the most results. In fact, meditation can be done in any quiet corner, including your living room, office, hotel room, or even the airplane. In order to achieve the proper meditation in some of these places, you may need to practice certain techniques or bring along special devices that will block noise and ensure quiet for your designated meditation time.

Consider joining a meditation group so that you can effectively learn the methods of meditation before you attempt to meditate in unusual surroundings. The techniques and methods you learn through a learned meditation instructor will help you accomplish your own personal goals of meditation and inner exploration.

Meditation does not have to be incredibly time consuming. Make it a point to dedicate a few minutes each day to your meditation goals and spend some time reflecting inward. Mornings are excellent times to begin meditation, since you at the most at ease during this time and your home is probably the quietest. Consider waking up before the rest of your household to snag a few much needed minutes along in order to successfully complete your meditation process. This is critical for both men and women with children who find it hard to meditate amidst the noises and demands of children.

When you are on the go, do not leave your meditation practices at home! Consider snapping up a pair of noise canceling headphones to block out noise on trains, planes, or automobiles. This will allow you the greatest sense of peace and quiet so that you can continue with your meditation techniques. Bring along a special meditation soundtrack of familiar tunes to which you can also block out unnecessary background noise in order to meditate.

Meditation can be an excellent way to unwind after a long day of traveling, so consider taking time to practice your techniques once you reach your destination. For individuals who are constantly calling hotel rooms home, it can be quite easy to miss your personal meditation space. For this reason, carry a small token or a few items with you on your travels to remind you of home. Consider bringing a favorite blanket, pillow, or mat to aid you in your meditation practices. Also, bring along a photograph of your family or friends to help with the homesickness.

Use scents to transport you to a more serene world. Aromatherapy has been used in conjunction with meditation for thousands of years. Consider beginning your meditation to comforting or exotic smells of incense or candles. For individuals on the go, consider bringing along travel candles or a vial of essential oil that you can leave open to pervade the atmosphere.
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The Right Guidance To Find Your Weight Loss Plan

By Darrin Wiggins

Are you still trying to figure out how to lose weight?Sometimes it just takes settling on one specific weight loss plan and following it through to the end. When you spend all your time kind of trying all the new supplements and diet fads you never really give yourself a chance to succeed. Take the time to do some self-reflection to determine why you are choosing to not complete your weight loss goals.

Do you need a physical support group to get results? The benefit of a physical group is that it provides you with accountability which a lot of people need. You are committing to yourself but at the same time agreeing to meet with other people. They rely on your support and you feed off of theirs. The downside is that they can cost more money than online plans and you need to have the physical time to drive to and attend the meetings.

Are you more of a do-it-yourself type? Online programs allow you to work at your own pace, join private support forums and usually cost less than offline programs. They simply provide more flexibility. Online plans usually consist of more self-guided learning in the form of videos, PDF's and membership sites. You will need to be confident in your ability to hold yourself accountable for the results you are creating.

Are the weight loss goals you set actually your goals? If you do not really want to lose the weight then you will never put in the effort needed to make it happen. Sometimes our need to lose weight is coming from the pressure we feel around us to have a specific body type or physical conditioning. You will need to determine where your goal is coming from, the inside or the outside.

Are you telling yourself you cannot afford to be healthy? There is a misconception that a healthy lifestyle is a lot more expensive then eating a junk laden diet. Initially it can seem more expensive but when you feel like you had to invest your hard earned money you are more likely to only buy what you need. It is easy to throw out old doughnuts when they cost a dollar but you will most likely eat all of your five dollar melon before it spoils. A gym membership can cost a lot if you only go once a month but will seem real cheap if you go five days a week.

Have you convinced yourself that you don't have the time to lose weight? Procrastination is the killer of all goals especially when it comes to weight loss. It can be tough to get started and being too busy is one of the easiest excuses to use. We all have time to be healthy and once you discover a plan that inspires you to change being too busy will not be a problem anymore. Time that you didn't have will magically appear.

The most important part of a weight loss plan is that it fits your personality and lifestyle. If you wake up every day hating what you are about to do it won't take long before you simply stop doing it. You will know when you are on the right path because instead of dragging yourself along it you will sprint. Achieving your weight loss goals is closer than you think.

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How To Reduce Weight Fast And Lose Fat Forever Fast Weight Reducing Tip

 So you have tried dieting to reduce weight. You have also popped all kinds of weight reducing pills you can get your hands on. To your delight your effort seemed to work as you begin to lose body fat steadily. Then one day, before you reach your desired weight, you begin to notice that your weight seemed to stay the same even though you are still on the diet and popping those weight reducing slimming pills. To your horror, you discover that the weight you had lost is beginning to pile up once again. Instead of reducing weight, you are now gaining weight. Sounds familiar?

What happened? Simply put, slimming pills and fad diets are only short term strategy to reduce weight and keeping body fat at bay. To reduce weight and lose fat forever, your caloric expenditure must surpass your caloric consumption. Aren’t you doing that in your diet? Yes you are. But when you are on a diet, you go hungry and your body will signal to your brain to conserve fat for energy because your body is built with a mechanism to conserve fat during famine and it will not know whether it is famine season or that you are on a diet. In this instance, your body will consume your muscle for energy instead of your body fat and this spells trouble because your muscle is a great calorie gobbler. So with less muscle, your fat burning capability grinds to a screeching halt.

What about those weight reducing pills you are taking? If you are popping appetite control pills, your body will react like you are on a diet, so the same thing happened. What about pills that help to increase metabolism or reducing starch intake? Sure, they will help to burn a few calories or restrict some calories from turning into body fat, but are enough calories burnt or restricted to reduce weight permanently or are you going to take those unhealthy weight reduction pills forever? Obviously not, isn’t it?

So to reduce weight and lose fat forever, we need to do 3 things.

• Cardio exercises – Do cardio exercises at 65-85% of your maximum heart rate to burn tons of calories

• Lift weight – Train with weights to grow muscle or at least prevent muscle loss. The more muscle you have, the higher will be your natural fat burning capability. You will burn fat even when sleeping. In other words, you lose fat permanently.

• Eat small frequent meals – This will signal to your brain that food is in abundance and that your body need not conserve fat in case of famine. So eat 5- 6 meals at 3 hourly intervals. However, do make sure that your meals are small and that your caloric intake do not surpass your caloric expenditure.

When you incorporate these 3 elements into your lifestyle, you will not only reduce weight and lose body fat, you will also keep the weight from creeping back. That means, you will reduce weight and able to maintain your ideal weight forever.
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Three Effective Cardio Workouts That You Can Do On The Beach With The Newport Beach Personal Trainer

By Brandon Watkins

Newport Beach is an awesome place to have fun and relax. People usually visit this amazing place to swim, surf, and party. If you want beach activities to be more satisfying, especially if you are sick and tired of hiding yourself in a robe while your friends party out loud with their swimsuits, try doing beach cardio with a Newport Beach personal trainer.

What Is Cardio?

A cardio exercise is an exercise that increases your heart rate (hence, the word comes from cardiovascular). This is different from strength workouts such as weight lifting or squats because it targets most muscles in your body. Cardiovascular exercises are comprised of repetitive movements - mostly achieved through jogging, cycling, or sprint walking.

Workouts That You Can Do

Here are some suggested exercises:

Water Jogging

This exercise is usually done by experienced workout buffs. Beginners can try this too but it can be very difficult at first. Sprints and jogs in the beach are more difficult since the beach has a softer ground. This means, you have to exert more force to push your body forward when running.

To do this, you have to keep your body submerged in water. With a flotation device, it must keep your head above the water. Since there is more resistance in water than on land, it is definitely more difficult to move. With the water resistance, try to jog - as if you're doing it on land. For beginners, this activity is very tiring but it gets the job done!


Want to do cardio while having fun? Try swimming! In fact, swimming is one of the best cardiovascular exercises given by top trainers around the world. It works out most of your body muscles and you don't have to do strict repetitive moves in a gym.

If you are out with your friends, your Newport Beach personal trainer can incorporate other cardio exercises that are fun and enjoyed in a group. Water volleyball is one popular recreational activity that's fun and can give best results too.

Sprint And Jog

This exercise is usually done by experienced workout buffs. Beginners can try this too but it can be very difficult at first. Sprints and jogs in the beach are more difficult since the beach has a softer ground. This means, you have to exert more force to push your body forward when running.

To do this, you have to keep your body submerged in water. With a flotation device, it must keep your head above the water. Since there is more resistance in water than on land, it is definitely more difficult to move. With the water resistance, try to jog - as if you're doing it on land. For beginners, this activity is very tiring but it gets the job done!

There are definitely lots of ways to enjoy while performing exercises on the beach. Swimming, playing beach or water volleyball are among the effective ways to lose weight. Since not all beach cardio suit all body or skill types, it is best to ask your Newport Beach personal trainer about the beach activities ideal for you.

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What Are The Drawbacks Associated With The Ice Cream Diet?

By James Steele

There could be a new trend in diets, with the Ice Cream Diet making promiese of weight lose. With all of the other diets out there you may be wondering just how much of your time this diet is worth. This review of the Ice Cream Diet will help you decide if you should try it.

Ok, first, it makes good sense that the Ice Cream Diet advises you to eat lots of veggies, fruits, and good fibers. What is surprising about the Ice Cream Diet, the name kills us, is you will be eating a daily diet consisting of healthy whole foods that are low in calories. The Ice Cream Diet gives you suggestions for meals, including when you eat in restaurants. We have to tell you that the amount of ice cream you are allowed to eat will probably disappoint, but that's ok, and the whole food suggestions for eating will work to allow you to reduce weight. The ice cream is mainly there to make it tolerable and help you stick to it. The end result is your ability to experience weight loss while being able to enjoy some good stuff each day.

The Ice Cream Diet takes good advantage of something, and its a psychological principle that's going on. People will want something to a greater degree once they are no longer able to have it. When it comes to diets, if we don't eat anything we like, we will feel deprived. The typical experience is weight loss, sure, but then almost everyone puts it back on when they start eating the foods they were deprived of. This diet is actually clever because it addresses a very common problem experienced by all dieters, perhaps. This reduction in feeling deprived allows people to feel more positive, and it will also neutralize a lot of frustration and pent up energy.

We do have to admit that the "Ice Cream Diet" certainly can make people think all kinds of things. There still is, however, the emphasis on low daily caloric intake, but you can eat a bit of the good stuff, too. People who buy this book may think that they will be allowed to eat as much ice cream as they want, which is very far from the truth.

Like any other kind of diet, if you manage to stick with it you can actually get pretty bored with it. Eventually even the ice cream may get a bit boring, plus it's a low calorie type of diet. If you have the discipline to do it and lose weight, then you very well may find yourself tired of the low variety of foods. So that is something to remember, but there's nothing wrong with doing the Ice Cream Diet, and then switch to a diet that has different menu choices. Whether or not you are able to stick to the Ice Cream Diet will depend on your own eating preferences, as well as how much you like ice cream!

Will the Ice Cream Diet work? Sure it will, but you have to learn what it teaches and then adhere to what it has you do. Don't sell yourself out by eating more ice cream than is recommended or suggested by the diet. So, what we have here is a system that gets you to limit your calories and lose weight; and you can still have a daily reward, too.

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Should You Do HIIT If You Want To Build Muscle Or Lose Fat?

By Howe Russ

Most gym users who want to know how to build muscle can't seem to get any further forward due to the amount of conflicting information out there. One such area of confusion is HIIT.

Many people who perform this type of exercise are going for weight loss, however there is also a major use here for those looking to improve size and strength.
See the top 5 types of hiit sessions and what they are designed for.

When it comes to cardio exercise, the fact is most guys don't do enough of it. They're happy to throw around the weights three times per week but if you offer them the opportunity to jump onto a treadmill or exercise bike they'll not be anywhere near as keen.

Many individuals wrongly presume that cardio exercise is purely for weight loss, or they believe the age old misconception that treadmills are for women and weights are for guys.

However, if your primary goal is hypertrophy you are the exact type of person who should be performing regular cardiovascular workouts and one of the best forms of this is high intensity interval training. Not only is it great for fat loss, it'll also help you to build more lean tissue.

There is a massive difference between the steady pace of regular cardio, often billed as boring, compared to that of a high intensity session. Despite being performed on the same equipment, it's a completely different style of workout.

High intensity interval training is based around constantly switching between moderate and high intensities, causing your body to tap into both it's aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. There are striking similarities between an interval training session and a resistance workout.

The two primary energy sources we use during exercise are called aerobic and anaerobic. During regular cardio workouts we use our aerobic system. However, during both resistance training and high intensity intervals we use the anaerobic system instead.

Secondly, one of the best things about resistance training is that the calories continue to be burnt by your body for up to sixteen hours after your session ends. This phenomenon is known as Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption and the exact same phenomenon occurs after a high intensity cardio workout. While you stop burning off calories the moment your regular cardiovascular workout finishes, interval training helps you to carry on even after you have left the gym.

Despite growing in popularity over the last few years, HIIT remains a largely unused form of cardiovascular exercise. Most gym users believe that they need to punish themselves with long, dull sessions on bikes and treadmills to lose fat and it is simply not true. If you are learning how to build muscle more effectively, this form of training will work very nicely alongside your resistance training.

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What is the Green Tea Diet Plan?

Eating and dieting these days do not usually involve your favorite beverages like green tea and coffee. But this is not always necessarily the case. With some bit of planning and a lot of discipline, your diet plan and weight regime can include your morning cups of coffee or green tea.

South Beach Diet Plan

An idea formulated by Dr. Agatston, the South Beach Diet plan is not low-carb, nor low-fat. According to its originator, the South Beach Diet plan “teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats.”

This diet plan is comprised of three phases – Banishing your Cravings, Reintroducing Carbs, and A Diet for Life. Using artificial sweetener and low-fat milk in your coffee or green tea during all three phases is one way to go on losing weight without having to give up your brewed cup. Going decaf with your coffee might also be a good idea since the objective of this diet is maintaining even insulin levels. If you’re a green tea drinker, then there is less worries for you. Green tea contains only very few amounts of caffeine.

The Zone Diet Plan

The Zone Diet plan was developed by Barry Sears, a former biotechnology researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This diet plan is based on the maintenance and consistency of insulin levels. Because this diet plan also concerns itself with insulin control, the issues that arise are handled similarly as that with the South Beach Diet plan. Taking decaffeinated coffee and green tea is all right as long as these beverages don’t spike up your insulin. The eating program of the Zone Diet plan requires you to use artificial sweetener and low-fat milk in your coffee or green tea.

Blood Type Diet Plan

The Blood Type Diet plan is a weight loss regimen where the foods you eat are based on your blood type. The eating program of the Blood Type Diet plan is more restricted compared to the South Beach Diet plan, the Zone Diet plan, and the Atkins Diet plan. For instance, for people with blood types A and AB, coffee is highly advised. But for those with blood types O, adding coffee to the Blood Type Diet plan should be avoided. Green teas on the other hand are acceptable for any blood types. However, adding natural sweeteners like sugar, honey, stevia, or maple syrup in green tea should be avoided in this diet plan.

Sugar Busters Diet Plan

The name of the diet plan says it all. Subscribers to this diet plan are highly cautioned against sugars. Coffee and green teas are perfectly fine but only use artificial sweeteners.

Atkins Diet Plan

Another low-carb diet plan variety, the Atkins Diet plan works best with caffeine-free coffee and green tea. For best results, artificial sweeteners in your green tea and coffee are advised to keep your carbs down.

Paleolithic Diet Plan

Also called the Stone Age Diet plan, this diet plan is based on the consumption of simple, unprocessed foods that our Neanderthal ancestors would have eaten. This diet plan is perfect for green tea drinkers. Green tea is simple and 100% natural steamed dried leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant. If you’re a coffee drinker, you might be in for a tougher choice since you might have to give up coffee all together with this diet plan. Sugars in green teas are still a big no-no, especially the refined kind.

As you can see, there are plenty of options available to help you with your diet plan, and enjoying the benefits of green tea is a great place to start.
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