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Evaluating Bee Pollen Energy Claims

By Lila Barry

Bee pollen energy claims are not accepted everywhere, although it is hard to see why not. Packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and food value, this product of the avian hive has been used since ancient times for nutritive and therapeutic reasons. It even has been used by Olympic athletes as part of their readiness programs. Both folk lore and practical experience validate the ancient belief in the goodness of this dense nutritional substance.

Although there is no science behind the claim of increased energy, there is evidence that bee pollen is over one third high quality protein, contains many vitamins and minerals, and also offers living enzymes and complex carbohydrates. It is rich in the B vitamins, which are believed to be important in the production of energy, and experts have long touted the benefits of protein and complex carbohydrates for sustained physical and mental performance.

Just as eggs are packed with nutrition for developing chicks, bee pollen is designed to enable the fast-growing young bees develop into workers, nurse bees, drones, and even queens. The bees carry this flower dust home on the hairs on their legs. Some of it comes off on each blossom the insect visits, carrying out the process of pollination.

Beekeepers have a way of collecting bee pollen from hives without taking so much that it endangers the bees. Special collectors brush pollen off the bees as they enter the hive. Old-timers used to consume the 'dirty honey' at the bottom of the hive. Although it was not popular with customers who wanted a clear amber product, the thrifty beekeeper would use it for his own table. The debris in the honey was not bee waste but pollen, and the despised product was the most nutritious of all.

Like with many other nutritional products, some consumers might reap great benefits from taking this natural food. People with a high need for B vitamins or whose daily diet is poor in nutrients might feel a real difference. Someone with a more balanced and complete diet might not notice a significant surge of energy or an increased sense of well-being. Both individuals, however, will be eating a nutritionally-packed, natural substance that is one of nature's 'perfect foods'.

Stress of any kind, whether it is physical exertion, mental overload, or related to illness, can drain your body of vital nutrients. Most people do not eat the quality of food that replenishes this kind of adrenal exhaustion. A dense nutritional product like bee pollen can mean the difference between maintaining or restoring health and continuing to see your health decline.

You want to find a product that retains the whole range of food value. Just as heated and filtered honey will no longer sustain a bee, improperly processed bee pollen might have lost its food value. Some processing is necessary, but try to find a product that has been tested and shown to be still viable and pure.

With such a wide range of nutrients available in the substance, bee pollen energy makes complete sense. Anyone looking for dense nutrition while dieting, battling illness, or keeping up a hectic modern lifestyle should try a reputable brand of this super food.

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Should Women Avoid Lifting Weights?

By Russ Hollywood

There is much confusion surrounding women's fitness these days. Should women lift weights if they are trying to build a lean, toned physique? The answer seems to differ depending who you ask. Today you'll get the facts on this subject, as well as finding out what supplements to take in order to keep your fitness journey on track.

The fitness industry, much like life itself, continues to evolve and develop with every year that passes. Just think how far computers have come in the last two decades. You wouldn't go back to using a Commodore 64 now when you have an iPhone 4, right? Yet the fitness industry has undergone a similar journey during this time and there are many folks out there who still follow outdated advice.

They still believe that ladies who lift weights are going to get a bodybuilding physique. They also believe that endless cardiovascular exercise is the key to weight loss. You'll also hear them talking about how they can't seem lose weight no matter what they do in the gym. [
What do you think, should women lift weights or not? Find out in today\'s video.

The days of training that way are long gone. So many of the old myths surrounding fitness have been proven wrong in the last few years by scientists with a keen eye on improving life in the gym. Yet many gym users remain unaware and continue to do the same old things which weren't working for them in the first place.

If you have always steered clear of the free weights section at your local gym, get ready for a minor shock. Training with weights is actually great for you! This applies both to women who want to get learner and also those who are prioritizing fat loss. Resistance training is crucial and can dramatically increase your results.

But isn't it true that you'll end up looking like a bodybuilder?

No, you will not. Imagine if building lean muscle was as easy as simply picking up some dumbbells a few times per week. Every guy in your workplace would own the physique of Rambo! It's not that easy, and bodybuilders only obtain that type of muscular physique by dedicating their lifestyle to their craft. If you want to bring out the definition in your muscles then you need to start doing some form of resistance training on a regular basis.

One of the main reasons why ladies shouldn't be concerned with the prospect of gaining a lot of muscle mass is testosterone. Testosterone levels are severely lower in females than in males and this factor alone is enough to squash any doubts lingering in the back of your mind. This also squashes the myth that ladies must do high rep sets to avoid gaining size, so feel free to pick up a weight which actually challenges you next time.

Try to stick to compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses and lat pulldowns for the first couple of months. This will allow you to significantly increase your strength, while keeping your weight sessions relatively short as you ease yourself into your new lifting lifestyle.

Supplements can be kept to a bare minimum if you have a good diet and training program. Most people are familiar with whey protein so that is a good place to begin. If your goal is to get leaner and cut body fat then you should find a protein product which gives you a relatively low carbohydrate content and no more than 25 grams of protein in each serving. Other items you could use include creatine, which boosts your explosive strength to help you train harder in the gym, and glutamine, which aids muscular recovery after a tough workout.

Knowing what supplements to take can become tricky due to the amount of hype out there, so the best advice is to simply get a solid diet in place and then keep things simple. Not only do you now know the answer to the age old question 'Should women lift weights or not?', you are now in a position to help others get to the bottom of this popular fitness myth.

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How Many Calories To Lose Weight Is Not Hard To Assess

By Nancy Goodine

How Many Calories To Lose Weight depends on how many pounds you want to lose. Figuring it out does not have to be difficult with some facts about yourself. You must know your weight, your height, and your age. When you know that, you can calculate your body mass index. You can then see how much fat you have to burn with each workout to take off what you want.

Many reasons exist as to why someone gained weight. It could be a hereditary issue. Maybe some of your relatives also struggle with it. When this is the case, it can be harder to take the pounds off because it seems as if your DNA is working against you. That does not mean that you cannot lose the pounds. It just means that you may have to work harder than others do.

Other people may have gotten sad over a breakup in their life or a tragedy that made their emotions go downhill. They found food to comfort them. They may have tried dealing with their emotions despite the sadness, but were unsuccessful. There are medical issues to think about if you get severely overweight such as diabetes and heart issues. Take precautions and try to avoid these.

If you are interested in taking pounds off, you must burn more than you have coming in. Calculate how many calories you take in each day. You will then know what you need to worry about. You need to burn off twenty five hundred calories for one pound. You must do the math of what you want to take off by multiplying it by twenty-five hundred. Keep a record of this and put it in a safe place.

Body Mass Index can be measured by looking at one's weight, height, and age. Knowing this will help you see what you need to take off in the way of too much fat on your body. Keep measuring this as you progress in your journey. If counting calories all the time drives you crazy, look at the long term picture and be persistent.

If you are persistent, you can take off the pounds that you want. It is not hard with patience and persistence. If you get distracted by life, try to get back on track again soon. It does not have to be hard unless you make it hard. Going to the gym two or three times a week is challenging to keep up with, but it must be done.

Be disciplined as you embark on losing the excessive fat. You must be strong or you may give into the temptation to eat and and not exercise. You may repeat old patterns so discipline will help this. It will be nice if people praise you for your body. You will feel good about this.

Seek out How Many Calories to Lose weight so you can get on a plan for victory. Your body deserves to be thin and healthy. That is what it was designed to do. Plan that out each day and keep your goals in mind. If you slip, get back on track and keep working on it until you get the body that you want.

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The Worst type of Foods on earth!

By Vanessa Summer

There are countless foods available that, while tasty, are incredibly bad for you. Some of these foods are instantaneously familiar: fast food, to use one example, is quite tasty but loaded with calories and other things that will damage our bodies in major ways. But how about the foods that seem like a perfectly suitable thing to eat? What about some of the foods you supply your kids? In this article we can take a look at a few of the very worst things you could ever feed yourself or your family members.

Just about one of the most detrimental elements in the world, which is kind of a big surprise, is macaroni and cheese. The make-on-your-own type that you can buy, like Annie's or Kraft, is relatively okay but the kind you order in a restaurant is not. To employ one important example: the macaroni and cheese dinner for kids from the California Pizza Kitchen is incredibly unhealthy. Just one particular purchase of this food contains virtually forty grams of saturated fat, over sixteen hundred milligrams of sodium and more than one thousand calories. This is not even remotely healthy.

How often do you purchase those frozen pot pies from the grocery store's freezer section? These seem like mostly wholesome last minute meals but they are in fact full of calories that you don't need. The pot pies made by Stouffer's, as an example, are packed with just about eighteen hundred milligrams of sodium, more than sixty grams of fat and more than eleven hundred calories. If you are endeavoring to lose fat you could find yourself eating all of your daily calories with just this one food item!

You possibly believe that a vegetarian sandwich has to be among the healthiest things you can order from a fast food place, right? The simple fact is that because of the dressings and other condiments that get added to them, they are often just as bad as something loaded with meat. The vegetarian sandwich coming from Blimpies, for instance, contains almost twelve hundred calories, sixty grams of fat and more than thirty five hundred milligrams of sodium. How will that ever possibly be regarded as healthy?

Surely a salad, of all things, needs to be wholesome. Most people presume this is correct anyway. If we want something that is healthy and quick, most of the time we look for a salad to fill us up with food that is healthy for us. It might surprise you then to find out that some salads are not all that healthy. The Santa Fe chopped salad out of TGI Fridays, as an example, weighs in at eighteen hundred calories. This is almost certainly because of the fact that this distinct salad is the size of a big dinner plate, but think about it seriously: if you're on a diet do you want almost all of your daily calorie allotment to come from a single salad?

The simple fact is that a lot of the meals that we buy while we are on the go or from restaurants is just not as good for us as the food that we cook and prepare for ourselves. We realize that you may not be in love with the notion of cooking for yourself but the truth is that, particularly when you're trying to lose weight and improve your health, this is the best thing that you can do for yourself.

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Water Slide Rentals In Memphis Give Kids Something To Look Forward To

By Leonor Rivera

When summer time comes and there is a birthday party to throw, a person throwing the party will want to make it a party that is unforgettable. There is no better way to do that than to rent a water slide. When it comes to water slide rentals in Memphis, there are many companies that offer a variety of choices for people.

There is no child that can resist the urge of wanting to go on a water slide. The inflatable will be the life of the party as they play in it with friends and relatives. Their parents will look at them and will be reminded of the good times that they had in these things when they were children.

A regular bouncer is always fun to have at a party, but the water slides are even more fun. Everyone will get to cool off to beat the summer heat. When a person is indecisive on which one to get, a wise choice would be to get a combo inflatable. These things have both of them. Kids can get wet if they want or they can just hang out in the regular jumper.

There are inflatables available in many different colors and styles. They are available in different themes such as castle, princess, tropical and many others. There are also licensed ones that are available. These are the ones that may be of Dora the Explorer, Super Man, Sponge Bob, Snow White and other popular licensed characters.

The size of the inflatable is something that a person will have to decide. There are some that are good when there will be eight kids playing in it. Some are good for 15 kids and then there are others that are good for 25 kids. If someone does not know what size to get for their size of a party, the party rental staff will be able to recommend the right size that should be rented.

The rental company will also set up everything perfectly so that the party thrower does not have to worry about any of that stuff. They will connect it and add water where it needs to be added. If a customer ever has any questions, they will always be more than willing to answer them.

Those who have a pool can get an inflatable that will allow the kids to land in the pool when they reach the bottom. These are known as pool side inflatables. If there is no pool to be used, inflatable is placed on a grass area or concrete. No matter where it is placed at, the base must be steady. Most of these things have a splash pool on the bottom.

When it comes to water slide rentals in Memphis, there is nothing that can deliver more fun. The inflatable will create a fun environment for everyone. The party will be something that will live on in the kid's memories forever.

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Guide To Purchasing Youth Indoor Soccer Shoes

By Myrtle Cash

To soccer players, footwear will always be one of the most important equipment they will own and thus is also the most complicated to choose. Possibilities are just endless with the many different styles available. There are many factors that need to be considered when it comes to choosing youth indoor soccer shoes. Other than the size, players also need to take into account how the footwear can be broken in and how they should be cared for.

You need to consider 2 major factors when selecting footwear with maximum performance as basis. First, you have to find out where you will most be playing. Consider carefully how much touch you will be required for your games. It is important that you only go for footwear that promotes you comfort to bring out your maximum performance.

There is a specific type of footwear for dry artificial or indoor surfaces. These types usually feature gum rubber flat outsoles. Outsoles refer to the parts of the shoe made to touch the ground. Indoor shoes are made for games held within rec facilities or gym futsals. However, they can also be used for leisure activities and for street wear. Many players refer to them as indoor boots, or flats and they have non-marking rubber soles as well.

Uppers form part of the considerations that must be accounted for as well. Uppers are the parts of footwear that make contact with balls. They can be made either of synthetic or natural leathers. Both can offer not just durability but feel as well. What is important to remember is that the softer the leather is, the better the touch will be. However, those that come with great touches might also have lesser durability.

Another element to consider is the water retention capacity of the footwear. Natural leathers are more prone to absorbing water most especially when worn on wet pitches. Some footwear choices come with coatings and treatments though. They provide not only swerve but control on balls. They avoid water retention as well.

Secure yourself footwear for your running and daily training activities as well. A lot of your options might have rubber outsoles or nylon uppers. Trail footwear usually appears similar to running foot gears. However, the former usually have heavier outsoles and so they can survive heavier use. Consider getting sandals as well if you want relief during your training or matches.

Cost will always be an important factor in any purchase decision. It is very important for buyers to remember not to compromise the quality of the footwear they will be choosing over the price. The more advanced the level of the players, the more money they will be needing to invest in game boots.

Do not forget to consider the size of your feet. Size remains an essential determinant in the selection. Choose a foot gear that you know will fit you snuggly. Do not allow your performance to be jeopardized by unfitting footwear. Widths as well as feels will vary so take your time in choosing the option best for you.

It should also be noted who will be using the youth indoor soccer shoes. Before, women players were only able to make use of male footwear and they always had problems finding the size right for them, but not anymore. Current collections in stores are now available both in male and female sizes.

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How To Look For Womens Soccer Cleats

By Kathy Kaufman

There are lots of girls these days who take on the challenge of playing in different ball sports these days. The number of girls who are being involved in playing the various ball sports is actually being reflected in the number of sales for the womens soccer cleats. The number is quite high these days.

The demand for the said item is high, thus reflecting the rise in the number of women who are involving themselves in ball sports. This is an important item for the said sport, after all. The said item is necessary since this prevents any injuries or damages from happening. The player can play the game without any worries.

These days, there are a lot of stores that are selling the said item. This is certainly an answer to the rise in the demand for the said item. When the person wishes to buy the said item, it is only a given to go to a reliable store to purchase it. If the person has a good store to make the purchase from, then there is nothing to worry about.

That is the reason why it is not a problem for females to look for the said product anymore. There are various stores around selling the said product. It will be easy to make a purchase for the said product without worrying about anything. To be able to purchase the product, here are the various stores that one can go to.

The first place that the person should go to is a sports shop. Indeed, there are lots of stocks for this item when the individual goes to a sports shop. They also offer a lot of other items in the said shop, all related to sports. The individual can go shop in this store for the item or other sports equipment necessary for playing the sport.

It might also be preferable for the person to make the purchase at specialty shops. It is actually more appropriate for the person to go to specialty shops since such shops offer various products that are useful in a single sport. This makes it easier for the person to do the shopping for the said item.

Of course, the individual is not limited to buying the said item from these stores. There are various other options that can be chosen. One of the most convenient method that the individual can use in order to obtain the said item without breaking a sweat is to use the Internet.

The Internet is a good method to use when purchasing the said item. When they purchase it through the Internet, they can have a wide array of selections for the said item. More importantly, they do not have to worry about the weather or getting tired by the end of they day since they do not have to go out when they want to buy the said item.

There are many other methods for this purpose. It is up to the person to decide which one to use for purchasing womens soccer cleats. Just make sure to buy the right one to avoid injuries.

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The Ideal Method For Getting In Shape Before Summer

By Vanessa Summer

Bathing suit season isn't that far off so folks are already starting to quit their holiday and winter eating habits to be able to get in shape before the weather gets too hot to hide their bodies under super heavy layers of clothing. So many people resort to extreme measures with their workouts because they're eager to lose weight and get in shape before any other people are able to see their bodies. Unfortunately, getting into shape too quickly can really be harmful to your health. Most doctors agree that only jumping into a high stress workout routine on a regular basis isn't likely to help you. So what should you do to get fit in advance of bathing suit season getting here?

Before you do anything else, you need to see your physician. Ask your physician for a total body work up and check up. This will help you to find where you are beginning in your efforts to drop weight and get in shape. Your doctor will help you discover a good goal weight and body mass index and also tell you whether or not you have any health conditions that you need to keep in mind as you work to get in shape. Your doctor will allow you to assemble some nutritional guidelines so that you can also work to get your diet under control.

Begin your efforts bit by bit. Don't try and run five miles right away. A good system for working your way directly into shape is Couch to 5K. This is a plan that increases the distance and time spent running until you're ready to take on a 5K run. Obviously it will require a lot more than running to get fit. It is likewise critical that you focus on your strength and endurance training. If you don't have time for that many training session routines, find a way to use the Couch to 5K program to a swimming regimen so that you can work all of your body systems slowly but surely.

You should have a support team. If you can find men and women to undertake the work with you you will have a far greater possibility of losing weight and getting in shape when you have a support group even if you find your weight gain embarrassing. You can work together to eat right and exercise-these are generally individuals who can check out weight watchers meetings with you, take exercise classes with you, etc. If you don't want to do this with people in your normal life, you can generally find this kind of emotional support on the internet. There are wide ranging internet support groups developed for people who want to lose weight.

The truth, in other words, is that it takes time to lose weight and more time to get in shape. The sooner you start to adjust your eating style and workout habits the better off you will be. The sooner you begin your efforts, the easier it's going to be to work on building your body slowly and over time. Try to keep in mind this is a situation when slow and steady really does win the race: your health and body will thank you for your efforts in bathing suit season.

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A Personal Trainer Cupertino Provides 4 Outdoor Activities That Will Help You Stay In Shape

By Jackie Johnson

Cupertino is a little town within the Santa Clara County in California. It's situated on the western edge of the Santa Clara Valley and some parts of the town have extended towards the foothills of the mountains in Santa Cruz.

Because of this, people in Cupertino are fond of outdoor activities, like trekking, hiking and mountain climbing and in fact, the towns are surrounded with bike lanes and bicycle traffic is typically heavy. So here's a list of 4 outdoor activities that can help you to stay fit, as shared by a personal trainer Cupertino.

* Swimming

Hiking will not only help you to stay fit but is also a great opportunity for you to explore the beauty of your surroundings. So schedule a walk in the park daily and enjoy the beautiful national parks and forests all over Cupertino.

Experts say that swimming can help you to burn up to 900 calories especially if you do it more frequently. The personal trainer Cupertino would recommend that you also try a variety of strokes, such as back stroke, freestyle and butterfly.

* Hiking

Hiking will not only help you to stay fit but is also a great opportunity for you to explore the beauty of your surroundings. So schedule a walk in the park daily and enjoy the beautiful national parks and forests all over Cupertino.

The personal trainer Cupertino says that hiking can help you to burn as much as 700 calories, although this will also depend on your pace and on how much weight you have. Ask your kids or other family members to join you for a more enjoyable hike. But don't forget to bring bottled water to keep you hydrated.

* Biking

Biking is also another outdoor sport activity that is guaranteed to help you to burn calories, so invest on a good bike and spend a few hours of your time each day for biking. You can bike in the park or on some other safe places in Cupertino. The personal trainer Cupertino stated that biking for at least an hour each day can help you to burn up to a thousand calories. Again, this will pretty much depend on your speed and your body weight.

* Biking

For those who yearn for a more adventurous activity, visit some of the nearby beaches in Cupertino and rent a kayak. You can have your fellow adventurous friends to join you as well, because kayaking is more enjoyable when done in a group. This activity can make you to burn up to 400 calories in one hour, depending on your pace and your weight too.

So these are some of the outdoor sports that a personal trainer Cupertino will highly recommend to those who would like to burn calories in a fun and relaxing way. Do these activities every weekend and you'll certainly be surprised to see a great improvement on your body in only a few months.

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Dottie's Weight Reducing: An Inspiration For Ladies

By Polly Asmar

Any lady available, who's struggling with excess weight issues, ought to know about Dottie Coon. She can relate to all women out there, who're battling the bulge at this moment. Dottie's weight loss is the genuine tale a couple of lady who faced a large number of ups and downs to lose the extraordinary quantity of excess weight that she did. She lost a complete of one zero five.5 pounds. Dottie carries on to maintain that reducing weight and keeping it off, carries on to be an ongoing war. Audio familiar? The main point that Dottie ties to obtain across to her followers is that losing weight is really a lifestyle change and not a diet.

Numerous of us have comparable tales about weight reduction struggles. A few of us may even arrive at a stage where we are looking for a magic pill.

Dottie's weight reduction story began 1998, when she enrolled in Excess weight Watchers plan and stage method. To monitor her development she began Dottie's Weight reduction Zone along with a website filled having a fountain of information. Visitors towards the website can discover recipes, calorie counters, cafe listings, photo albums, Dotti's journey, food lists, healthy way of life tips and much more. This website can be used alongside with points method. All the legwork has done by Dottie.

She has compiled all the dietary data for eating places throughout the U.S. and Canada. This will assist you to choose healthier food choices and also allow you to definitely preselect your food options on the internet. On her web site, you may also find a weight loss support buddy. All that's require, registered for free, and also the website will help you find a assistance person near to exactly where you live. There's also a live chat space feature exactly where you can get all info about Dottie's weight loss. This really is a advantageous tool, for those women who're on the verge on bringing and therefore are in need of instant support. Guests towards the site may also sign up to get a free publication, which contains weight reduction guidance, recipes, nutrition info and additional support.

Dotti has impressed numerous women and continues to be the source of inspiration for women these days. If you are using the Excess weight Watcher's stage system, along-side Dotti's web site, your weight reduction experience will probably be much simpler.

Excess weight Dropping will deliver numerous good modifications into your life, including a much better, more healthy, and more stunning you and It's high time to impressed from Dottie's weight reduction and take the first step in the direction of a healthier way of life.

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