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Learn How To Jump Rope for Weight Loss

Jump Rope for Weight Loss

If you are searching for an effective way to stay fit, you only need to remember your childhood. You may recall jumping rope as a kid, or seeing others playing double-dutch on the playground.  Jumping rope has grown up and is not just for children anymore. It has become a popular form of exercise all over the world. While jumping rope has a short learning curve, there are some basics that will help you jump rope for weight loss.

Although jumping rope doesn't require a lot of equipment, there are a few things you will need to get started. The first is a lightweight jump rope. The best choice for beginners is a good-quality nylon rope.  Some people find it more comfortable to wear weight-lifting gloves, which will protect your hands from the friction of the handles. You can jump barefoot or in workout shoes. Experiment and see what is best for you.

Once you have your equipment squared away, you want to make sure you have the right space.  A surface that can absorb shocks and pressures, such as a gym floor, is a good place to start. An exercise mat or a carpet can also work. You will also need plenty of room, including a ceiling that allows the rope to clear.

Jumping rope has many different variations, which keeps this workout fresh and appealing. However, it’s best to start with building speed and agility by practicing the basic jump. Hold the handles, one in each hand, out to the sides. The rope should be behind you. Swing the rope in front of you, over your head and under your feet, jumping up with both feet at the same time. You can do short 3-5 minute bursts of the basic jump, which will build up your endurance.

You can also incorporate the basic jump into a circuit training workout. Jump continuously for one minute, alternating with exercises, such as lunges, crunches, and push-ups. Circuit training allows for variety in your workout, and jumping rope will raise your heart rate so you can perform the other exercises at a higher level of intensity, which will increase your calorie burn.

Once you are comfortable with the basic jump, you can start to include other jump rope steps. The jog step is similar to the basic jump, but instead of jumping with both feet at once, you stagger between each foot, keeping one leg up while the other jumps over the rope. You are jogging over the rope. For the more advanced jumpers, try double-unders, where the rope passes underneath you twice for each jump.

By learning how to jump rope, you've provided yourself with a versatile tool for your fitness tool box. You can add jumping rope to other types of workouts, or you can make it the centerpiece. However you choose to incorporate this activity, you will be increasing your cardiovascular health, coordination, and overall fitness.


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