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The Secrets Of Jumping Rope To Lose Weight

Secrets Of Jumping Rope To Lose Weight

Losing and keeping off weight often requires a lifestyle change with both diet and exercise. Jumping rope is an incredibly effective exercise, and has a variety of benefits – ease of use, high calorie burn, and muscle strengthening and toning – and for busy people who find it difficult to fit in long workouts, it is an ideal activity.

Jumping rope to lose weight is convenient enough to fit into anyone's schedule. You can get the benefits of a much longer workout by jumping rope for 10-20 minutes, three to five times a week. It’s a good idea to focus on a cardiovascular workout at first, by sticking to simple jumps so you can build up speed gradually. You can burn 200-300 calories with a 10-20 minute session. This not only improves cardiovascular health, but also helps to increase your resting metabolism through the day, ensuring you are burning calories all day long.

Jumping rope is also a flexible and economical workout. You only need a rope and a place to jump, either indoors or out. Choose a surface with some give to it, such as a gym floor, in order to minimize impact to the knees.

In addition, jumping rope is a great way to start or end your exercise routine. Incorporate interval training by jumping rope for three minutes, then performing squats, push-ups or other types of exercises. You can also finish any workout with a three to five minute round of jumping, which will raise the intensity of your workout.

Although no heavy weights are involved, jumping rope is great for toning your muscles and increasing strength. Jumping rope certainly targets the legs and buttocks, but is also a great workout for the shoulders and arms as well. Your core muscles, such as your abdominals, will also get toned and strengthened.

If you want to shed some pounds, you should really consider jumping rope to lose weight. It’s portable and effective for both calorie burning and overall strengthening and also provides a powerful workout. You can jump rope in increments until you are comfortable extending the duration, and also incorporate it easily into other types of exercise. That’s why jumping rope is a great way to get and stay in shape.


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