Are you still trying to figure out how to lose weight?Sometimes it just takes settling on one specific weight loss plan and following it through to the end. When you spend all your time kind of trying all the new supplements and diet fads you never really give yourself a chance to succeed. Take the time to do some self-reflection to determine why you are choosing to not complete your weight loss goals.
Do you need a physical support group to get results? The benefit of a physical group is that it provides you with accountability which a lot of people need. You are committing to yourself but at the same time agreeing to meet with other people. They rely on your support and you feed off of theirs. The downside is that they can cost more money than online plans and you need to have the physical time to drive to and attend the meetings.
Are you more of a do-it-yourself type? Online programs allow you to work at your own pace, join private support forums and usually cost less than offline programs. They simply provide more flexibility. Online plans usually consist of more self-guided learning in the form of videos, PDF's and membership sites. You will need to be confident in your ability to hold yourself accountable for the results you are creating.
Are the weight loss goals you set actually your goals? If you do not really want to lose the weight then you will never put in the effort needed to make it happen. Sometimes our need to lose weight is coming from the pressure we feel around us to have a specific body type or physical conditioning. You will need to determine where your goal is coming from, the inside or the outside.
Are you telling yourself you cannot afford to be healthy? There is a misconception that a healthy lifestyle is a lot more expensive then eating a junk laden diet. Initially it can seem more expensive but when you feel like you had to invest your hard earned money you are more likely to only buy what you need. It is easy to throw out old doughnuts when they cost a dollar but you will most likely eat all of your five dollar melon before it spoils. A gym membership can cost a lot if you only go once a month but will seem real cheap if you go five days a week.
Have you convinced yourself that you don't have the time to lose weight? Procrastination is the killer of all goals especially when it comes to weight loss. It can be tough to get started and being too busy is one of the easiest excuses to use. We all have time to be healthy and once you discover a plan that inspires you to change being too busy will not be a problem anymore. Time that you didn't have will magically appear.
The most important part of a weight loss plan is that it fits your personality and lifestyle. If you wake up every day hating what you are about to do it won't take long before you simply stop doing it. You will know when you are on the right path because instead of dragging yourself along it you will sprint. Achieving your weight loss goals is closer than you think.
Do you need a physical support group to get results? The benefit of a physical group is that it provides you with accountability which a lot of people need. You are committing to yourself but at the same time agreeing to meet with other people. They rely on your support and you feed off of theirs. The downside is that they can cost more money than online plans and you need to have the physical time to drive to and attend the meetings.
Are you more of a do-it-yourself type? Online programs allow you to work at your own pace, join private support forums and usually cost less than offline programs. They simply provide more flexibility. Online plans usually consist of more self-guided learning in the form of videos, PDF's and membership sites. You will need to be confident in your ability to hold yourself accountable for the results you are creating.
Are the weight loss goals you set actually your goals? If you do not really want to lose the weight then you will never put in the effort needed to make it happen. Sometimes our need to lose weight is coming from the pressure we feel around us to have a specific body type or physical conditioning. You will need to determine where your goal is coming from, the inside or the outside.
Are you telling yourself you cannot afford to be healthy? There is a misconception that a healthy lifestyle is a lot more expensive then eating a junk laden diet. Initially it can seem more expensive but when you feel like you had to invest your hard earned money you are more likely to only buy what you need. It is easy to throw out old doughnuts when they cost a dollar but you will most likely eat all of your five dollar melon before it spoils. A gym membership can cost a lot if you only go once a month but will seem real cheap if you go five days a week.
Have you convinced yourself that you don't have the time to lose weight? Procrastination is the killer of all goals especially when it comes to weight loss. It can be tough to get started and being too busy is one of the easiest excuses to use. We all have time to be healthy and once you discover a plan that inspires you to change being too busy will not be a problem anymore. Time that you didn't have will magically appear.
The most important part of a weight loss plan is that it fits your personality and lifestyle. If you wake up every day hating what you are about to do it won't take long before you simply stop doing it. You will know when you are on the right path because instead of dragging yourself along it you will sprint. Achieving your weight loss goals is closer than you think.
About the Author:
If you are struggling to lose weight you can always follow the personal weight loss plan I designed that allowed me to lose 45 lbs in 12 weeks through a healthy eating lifestyle. There are also numerous high quality weight loss plans out there that can guide you. Believe in yourself, be committed and you will achieve your weight loss goals.