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Three Effective Cardio Workouts That You Can Do On The Beach With The Newport Beach Personal Trainer

By Brandon Watkins

Newport Beach is an awesome place to have fun and relax. People usually visit this amazing place to swim, surf, and party. If you want beach activities to be more satisfying, especially if you are sick and tired of hiding yourself in a robe while your friends party out loud with their swimsuits, try doing beach cardio with a Newport Beach personal trainer.

What Is Cardio?

A cardio exercise is an exercise that increases your heart rate (hence, the word comes from cardiovascular). This is different from strength workouts such as weight lifting or squats because it targets most muscles in your body. Cardiovascular exercises are comprised of repetitive movements - mostly achieved through jogging, cycling, or sprint walking.

Workouts That You Can Do

Here are some suggested exercises:

Water Jogging

This exercise is usually done by experienced workout buffs. Beginners can try this too but it can be very difficult at first. Sprints and jogs in the beach are more difficult since the beach has a softer ground. This means, you have to exert more force to push your body forward when running.

To do this, you have to keep your body submerged in water. With a flotation device, it must keep your head above the water. Since there is more resistance in water than on land, it is definitely more difficult to move. With the water resistance, try to jog - as if you're doing it on land. For beginners, this activity is very tiring but it gets the job done!


Want to do cardio while having fun? Try swimming! In fact, swimming is one of the best cardiovascular exercises given by top trainers around the world. It works out most of your body muscles and you don't have to do strict repetitive moves in a gym.

If you are out with your friends, your Newport Beach personal trainer can incorporate other cardio exercises that are fun and enjoyed in a group. Water volleyball is one popular recreational activity that's fun and can give best results too.

Sprint And Jog

This exercise is usually done by experienced workout buffs. Beginners can try this too but it can be very difficult at first. Sprints and jogs in the beach are more difficult since the beach has a softer ground. This means, you have to exert more force to push your body forward when running.

To do this, you have to keep your body submerged in water. With a flotation device, it must keep your head above the water. Since there is more resistance in water than on land, it is definitely more difficult to move. With the water resistance, try to jog - as if you're doing it on land. For beginners, this activity is very tiring but it gets the job done!

There are definitely lots of ways to enjoy while performing exercises on the beach. Swimming, playing beach or water volleyball are among the effective ways to lose weight. Since not all beach cardio suit all body or skill types, it is best to ask your Newport Beach personal trainer about the beach activities ideal for you.

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